can only give up and find another one. other people.”

can only give up and find another one. other people.”

The man with malicious eyes did not speak. He nodded slightly and motioned for Klein to tell.
Klein deliberately looked at the living corpses, treating them as normal poker players, and asked with his eyes, “Before answering, do you want to drive those guys out of the room?”
“No need.” The pale man said solemnly.
Klein thought about it and described it truthfully:
“I offended a big shot, and there may be a big shot supported by the country behind me.”
Suddenly there was no movement in the card room. It was completely silent. The slightly crazy man with malicious eyes froze in place, as if he had turned into a plaster statue.
After nearly a minute, he slowly said:
“This mission is priceless.”
“You go out.”
You brought a bunch of living corpses to play cards in the room, showing yourself to be of high dignity and strength, but in the end, you were scared away. Klein, who was obviously a little crazy, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and added:
“That big shot is not that free in Backlund.”
The man in the black vest ignored him and sat down again. The living corpses began to deal cards, read cards and throw away chips again.
Klein let out a breath and exited the room. He saw Caspar Scanlinen, an old man half a century old with rosacea and hideous wounds, waiting outside.
“We couldn’t reach a deal,” Klein said, spreading his hands.
Kaspars did not show any surprise, he pondered for a few seconds and said:
“The price he offered is too high”
“No, he thinks the task is too difficult.” Klein didn’t hide it.
Kaspers frowned slightly and said:
“Maric is the scariest person I know. He is not even afraid of bullets. Since he thinks the task is difficult, I don’t think I can help you contact other powerful guys.”
/“It’s a pity.” Klein sighed.
Kaspars clenched his right fist, hit his left chest and said:
“May the storm be with you.”
Then I will die. Klein smiled happily and said:
“You can try to help me ask some powerful guys in other places. I will pay you a certain amount of money. Well, I will do it again tomorrow night.”
After getting an affirmative answer, he left the Brave Bar with a slight melancholy, not even interested in playing a game of pool.
Am I too honest? If I had described the commission in a simpler way, Maric would have agreed just now. But I don’t know how much compensation he would ask for. It’s not my style to ask others to help me face danger while keeping it hidden. As an extraordinary person, if he always goes against his true inner thoughts and his own principles, he is probably not far away from losing control. Half-sighed and half-relieved, Klein changed to a carriage and returned to Minsk Street.
After washing, Klein did not waste any charcoal and went directly into the bedroom, closing the curtains to isolate the room from the outside world.
On the way back, he thought carefully for a while and found that the possible dangers were not insurmountable.
For the unknown ambassador, his most important and f

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