rs’ stocks have forced the leadership of the Democratic Party to consider what will happen if Time Warner Group is lost. They are paving the way for themselves in advance. Way back.

rs’ stocks have forced the leadership of the Democratic Party to consider what will happen if Time Warner Group is lost. They are paving the way for themselves in advance. Way back.

Seeing that they extended an olive branch, Han Xuan knew how to be a good person. He smiled and said to Mr. Byron: “Don’t worry, I am not a member of the Democratic Party, but I am not a Republican either. I have communicated with President Clinton in the morning. In the acquisition of Time Warner We have reached an agreement on the group’s affairs. I am a businessman and naturally hope to see my business expand. As long as the ideas of any political party are beneficial to me, I will support that party. The friendly relationship between Time Warner Group and the Democratic Party will not change. I can give you a guarantee on this, and this is also my promise to President Clinton.”
Byron didn’t know that Han Xuan had already spoken to President Clinton. As the whip of the Democratic Party, he had enough strength to speak in front of the president. In other words, if the president wants to realize a certain political idea, he absolutely cannot avoid the majority leader and party whip. If it is not a matter of position, he can even concurrently serve as the vice president of the United States.
I roughly understand what Han Xuan means, and find that Han Xuan hopes to keep Times Group neutral, just like ABC TV station. It is not the best result, but it is by no means the worst situation. As for the idea of ????exchange of interests, this is what the United States The unspoken rules of mutual cooperation between government and business, and the use of Time Warner Group as a mouthpiece in the past were not free.
Nodding, Mr. Byron said with a smile on his face: “It should be so. I believe that we will reach agreement on certain points in the future. In return, the bill on the tax reduction policy for the Internet industry will be discussed in Congress in the near future. You guys The recent form of the Internet industry is not very good. The government cannot sit back and watch many outstanding companies go bankrupt. I believe that after a new round of mergers, some outstanding Internet companies will be born and increase the influence of our United States in the world. Message from President Clinton Only Vice President Gore is most familiar with the highway plan. He is already responsible for policy arrangements in this area. I believe that in his hands it will be very beneficial to the recovery of the Internet industry.”
/There is only sugar coating, no cannonballs, and the cannonballs may still be used for the time being. Hidden in secret, but at least during this conversation, Han Xuan had an absolute advantage. I believe Mr. Byron, the party whip, felt aggrieved because he had no trump cards to compete with Han Xuan.
Han Xuan wanted to laugh a little in his heart. When he talked about the merger tax-free policy, he didn’t deliberately control the micro-expression on his face. Unexpectedly, Old Byron really caught it and gave it to

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