“The poultry is already fat, what’s the point of killing it?”

“The poultry is already fat, what’s the point of killing it?”

“The poultry is already fat, what’s the point of killing it?”
In an instant, a blood-red wolf-shaped flame rose from Bai Lu’s body, twisting and wailing in the direction of Bai Ao. In the past, Bai Ao actually wanted to deprive Bai Lu of his greedy wolf soul! ?
When the greedy wolf soul completely transferred to Bai Ao’s body, Bai Ao pushed it smoothly. Bai Lu fell on the sofa, covered in cold sweat, and his hands and feet were weak. Bai Ao calmly took out a silk scarf and wiped his hands, then took out a small bottle from his pocket, threw it to Bai Lu, and said as he walked up the stairs: “This drop of ‘perfect blood’ should be considered as compensation for you. Let’s do it.” Bai Lu gasped, turned around and stared at Bai Ao, saying: “Give me back the greedy wolf soul!” Bai Ao said: “You are not worthy of having it. Wait until when you think you have the ability to take it back. Come to me again when the time comes. But you’d better have the consciousness of death. You can get out now.” After saying that, Bai Ao’s tall figure was swallowed up by the darkness of the corridor.
/“Actually, in colleges and universities, the so-called family affection is just that.”
Bai Lu bared his teeth, his eyes were red, and he said sadly and angrily: “Why? Why!? Damn it! I hate it!!” He grabbed He picked up the small bottle containing “perfect blood” and wanted to throw it out. But Naihe couldn’t exert any strength at all, and couldn’t even raise his hand. Bai Lu cried and yelled like crazy for a while, and then dragged his exhausted body and stumbled out of the door. He kept mumbling words such as “No more”, “I hate you”, “Just wait for me”.
Not to mention what happened to Bai Lu. In Yin Kuang’s dormitory, Li Shuangmu had diluted the “Quenching Dew” and divided it into two parts. Yin Kuang only took one bottle and said, “The remaining bottle will be given to you.” Li Shuangmu smiled happily and said, “Thank you, Yin Kuang, you really helped me a lot.” Li Shuangmu sounded a little excited in his tone. He couldn’t wait to get the rust off his precious sword. Yin Kuang smiled and said: “Okay, if you can’t wait, I won’t let you eat. Go and ‘remove makeup’ for your baby.” Li Shuangmu hesitated slightly and said: “Well. I had something to talk about. Say. It seems like it’s better to do it next time. It’s not a very important thing.” Yin Kuang sent him to the door and said, “There’s nothing more important than your sword, right?”
Li Shuangmu’s bedroom is next door, just across the street. He stepped into his dormitory in one step. Just when Yin Kuang was about to close the “coffin lid”, he saw Qian Qianqian waving vigorously in the distance. Next to her, there was a graceful beauty, Tang Rouyu who had not been seen for “a long time”. From a distance, it is still eye-catchingly beautiful. In this case, Yin Kuang was not in a hurry to close the door and waited at the door for Qian Qianqian and Tang Rouyu. Qian Qianqian came at a trot, one step ahead of Tang Rouyu. Yin Kuang said: “Didn’t you go to find Tang Rouyu?” Qi

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