f the tent with a wave of his hand.

f the tent with a wave of his hand.

f the tent with a wave of his hand.
After Zhuge Liang learned about this, he smiled and said to Liu Bei: “My lord, Zhou Gongjin is demonstrating to Liang.” Liu Bei didn’t understand at the time and didn’t ask any questions. And now, Liu Bei naturally knows it. Zhou Yu drove Tan Shengge and others back, just to convey one word, “See through!” Zhou Yu was saying that he had seen through Zhuge Liang’s plot!
In this way, 1207 these “small fish and shrimps” were driven back to Liu Bei by the “big fish” Zhou Yu. Being kicked around like a ball and shouted around like a puppet is indeed a big blow to the self-esteem of Class 1207, a 21st century human being.
That’s why Tao Long was so excited and impatient after receiving the mission of “hunting down Cao Cao” from the Duowen Envoy. Not to mention Tao Long, the rest of the people were also excited.
Tang Rouyu glanced at Qingtian Pavilion and said: “It’s not that Cao Cao doesn’t want to touch Xiao Qiao. I can see that he really wants to. But Cao Cao is arrogant. Men. For ordinary men, arrogance will only make us women feel disgusted. But Cao Cao, he is a very human being! What he wants is to completely conquer Xiao Qiao and conquer everything he wants to conquer. He is so arrogant that he will never allow it. Every flaw. So I guess he will wait until Soochow is completely wiped out before he touches Xiao Qiao again.”
It is worth mentioning that the number of people in Class 1207 at this moment, except for Xiao Wanqing, An Le, Leng Huaping, and the other three Ji Wei, the only ones present at this time are Tan Shengge, Bei Dao, Du Kangan, Tao Long, Wang Ba, Zhen Chun, and two other girls, named Zhang Qi and Xie Ruyuan respectively.
/As for those who were not there, Qian Donglai was executed on the order of Tan Shengge because he escaped from battle last time. The bald killer Kang Wang directly announced that he had given up the mission, and he did not know why. There were four other people who were killed by General Soochow for one reason or another. In other words, the only people who can really be used in Class 1207 at the moment are these eight people. This is one of the reasons why everyone feels aggrieved and depressed!
Bei Dao looked at their eager expressions and sneered coldly, saying: “If you don’t want to quit this exam so early, just put away your boring venting emotions. Any emotion will only make you die faster. It’s more straightforward. We only have eight people now and we can’t stand the trouble. If you want to cause chaos, just ‘get out’.” As soon as
Bei Dao finished speaking, Tao Long and others’ expressions froze. Then one by one their faces turned down. But they didn’t dare to talk back to Bei Dao. They all know that even though this boy wearing glasses and headphones looks gentle, he is indeed very gentle and handsome at ordinary times, but once he is caught in a battle, he will fall into a crazy and bloodthirsty state. Qian Donglai, who tortured his enemy to death with extremely cruel methods, is a bloody example! I don’t know what enhanceme

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