ajor repairs have been carried out during this period, and it looks like it has a sense of vicissitudes.

ajor repairs have been carried out during this period, and it looks like it has a sense of vicissitudes.

ajor repairs have been carried out during this period, and it looks like it has a sense of vicissitudes.
He carefully protected his camera. He usually didn’t care much about this thing, but now he had to care about it. It was worth tens of thousands of dollars, which was nothing to the rich, but to Messner, it was already a huge sum of money. The money is enough to spend an unforgettable vacation in other countries, and you can also rent a decent house.
On the way here, he sat in a taxi and thought about it for a long time, and now he has made up his mind to raise the price he had said before.
Hearing on the phone how eager the editor of the Los Angeles Times was to get the photos in his hand, Messner believed that their value was far more than that. At this moment, he said to himself: “Come on, come on. You can do it.”
Chief Editor White wandered around the office for a long time, smoking a cigar and drinking a cup of coffee, but he never waited for the person who said he had the latest exclusive news about Han Xuan to come. He couldn’t hold back the restlessness in his heart and let him His assistant called the other party again to inquire, fearing that he would sell the items to other newspapers.
When freelance reporters get news, they usually contact several companies and select the buyer with the highest bid.
They are not formal employees of the company, so it is reasonable to do so. Therefore, whenever big news breaks out, various media companies will immediately send public relations to negotiate the price with the seller and strive to obtain relevant information.
Western countries have done a very good job in copyright protection. If other media companies try to reprint it, they must pay the copyright owner a reasonable fee.
Important information is valuable.
In the UK, royal family members are the focus of candid photography by freelance reporters. There was a paparazzi who secretly photographed Princess Diana for more than ten years. He earned 14 sports cars and three villas from the royalties from her photos.
When he learned that Princess Diana had died, that guy cried harder than William and Harry at the funeral. It was heartbreaking because his financial path was cut off.
Now that he is disheartened and has changed his career to become a rich man, people often see the freelance reporter standing in a daze in front of the princess’s former residence, always holding a camera in his hand, and he is jokingly called “the princess’s most infatuated guardian”.
Don’t think that taking photos is easy. The competition among freelance reporters is also fierce. Michael Jackson is followed by dozens of reporters all year round. Whatever happens to him, those reporters will rush to take pictures, because most of them are not exclusive, so Can’t sell for too high a price.
Some reporters also tried to follow Han Xuan. Unfortunately, his privacy protection was too good, and he would be warned if he followed for a long time.
/Although it did not reach the point of violence, the law was on his s

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