. The tribe has opened a direct road to the ocean.

. The tribe has opened a direct road to the ocean.

. The tribe has opened a direct road to the ocean.
“Having opened a direct road to the ocean, then What about the Mojas? Their tribe was not wiped out last night. Besides, it is not easy to carve a way through the jungle? ”
“The Moha people escaped and migrated to unknown depths in the jungle. They would rather rob a small tribe’s hunting ground than be neighbors or enemies with ‘Tudenan’ anymore.
In addition, we also found a few Pumanla people among the converts who knew how to tame the Kueh Kueh beast, the craftsman’s “partner”. After they converted to “Tudenan”, they took us to the wood where the Pumanla tribe kept the Kueh Kueh beast in captivity. Circle’, a total of twenty pairs of adult Ku Kui beasts were found. It was all thanks to those guys that they were able to open the ‘forest road’ leading to the sea so quickly. ”
Kui Kui beasts, are they those big beasts?” After listening to Tugla’s explanation, Zhang Lisheng pointed to a few obedient ones in the distance that followed the cheerful tribal craftsmen and waddled into the tribe, looking like giant apes. The animal said.
This kind of monster with mottled camouflage long hair has a huge monkey head, its eyes look very clear, it is three or four meters tall, and it looks extremely strong with long hair on both sides of its body. There are two pairs of arms, the upper pair is thick and long, almost hanging to the ground when swinging, and the lower pair is thin and short, looking very light.
“Yes, the Conquerors, they are Ku Kueh beasts. ”
But those beasts feel more ferocious than giant spiders, don’t they look like craftsmen’s ‘partners’?” ”
“A great attacker, the Ku Kui beast looks ferocious, but in fact it is very timid. It can only catch insects and gather wild fruits to eat. When sleeping, it hangs itself on a tree with its two thick arms. Even if it is tamed, It is impossible to fight at all.
However, their thick arms are extremely powerful, their small arms are very flexible, and their minds are very smart, so they can be good ‘partners’ for craftsmen.
Doing rough work such as clearing a path in the forest can be done very well as soon as it is tamed. Tugla stared at Zhang Lisheng’s face and said respectfully.
This time, when the tribe’s craftsmen were extremely busy, he insisted on sending more than 20 of the best craftsmen with his “partners” to open the tribe’s road directly to the ocean. The reason was simply because he knew that Zhang Lisheng had always attached great importance to the sea route. , I want to take this opportunity to express my loyalty again.
Even then, I want to give it a try. I might waste all those ‘golden elixir’ fragments you worked so hard to get. I apologize in advance, kid.” ”
Sure enough, after being silent for a while, Zhang Lisheng nodded and said: “I see, this is really a magical island, and what is even more magical is the human heart.
/Tugra, I’m glad you understand the importance of the ocean to an island tribe. Although the fishing grounds of the underground Golden River may be enough to feed

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