mon pudding that she had been holding back until the end into her mouth and tasted it back and forth.

mon pudding that she had been holding back until the end into her mouth and tasted it back and forth.

Seeing this, Klein used his drunkenness to smile and said:
“Melissa, it’s not good for you to be like this. It’s best to eat your favorite food from the beginning, so that you can see its most delicious side. Wait until you are full and your appetite has decreased, and then taste it again, and the taste will be compromised. of.”
“No, it’s still just as delicious.” Melissa replied firmly and stubbornly.
The three brothers and sisters talked and laughed, digested for a while, and then together they cleared away the plates, forks and spoons, and poured back the oil in which they had fried the fish.
After being busy, one of them reviewed courses, one self-study accounting knowledge, and the other continued to read textbooks and notes, living a fulfilling and satisfying life.
At 11 o’clock, the three Klein brothers and sisters extinguished the gas lights, washed themselves and went to sleep.
In front of his eyes, which was dark and hazy, Klein suddenly saw Dunn Smith wearing a black knee-length windbreaker and a half-top hat.
“Captain” Klein suddenly woke up and knew clearly that he was in a dream.
Dunn’s gray eyes were calm and he said as if he was talking about a trivial matter:
“Someone sneaked into your room, picked up your revolver, forced him into the corridor, and then handed him over to us.”
/Someone sneaked into my room and the spy finally took action. Klein was startled and didn’t dare to ask any more questions. He just nodded and said:
The scene in front of him changed immediately, with colors appearing chaotically and bursting one by one like bubbles.
Opening his eyes, Klein carefully turned his head and looked toward the window. He saw a thin and unfamiliar figure standing in front of the desk, silently rummaging for something.
Klein’s heart suddenly started beating violently. It shrank into a ball and then swelled violently, causing his body to tremble slightly.
For a moment, he almost forgot what he wanted to do and what he should do, until the figure of the infiltrator suddenly paused and tilted his ears slightly, as if he heard some change.
The “blood” retreated from his brain, and Klein regained his basic thinking ability. He reached his hand under the pillow and grasped the wooden handle of the revolver.
The hard and smooth touch came, and his emotions quickly stabilized. He slowly and silently pulled out the pistol and pointed it at the infiltrator’s head.
To be honest, he was not sure whether he could hit the opponent. Although he had been able to hit the target stably before, moving people and fixed targets were completely different concepts, and he was not arrogant enough to confuse the two.
However, he vaguely remembered a saying from his previous life, which probably meant that the greatest power of a nuclear bomb only existed before it was launched.
At this time and in this environment, the principle is the same. The best deterrent is before the bul

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