ky and water, actually igniting the waves. Water and fire rushed in all directions like a tide. When the heat wave set off, it was like a series of mountains. When it fell, it seemed to split the sea. The red light bloomed and burned me. Cheeks hot.

ky and water, actually igniting the waves. Water and fire rushed in all directions like a tide. When the heat wave set off, it was like a series of mountains. When it fell, it seemed to split the sea. The red light bloomed and burned me. Cheeks hot.

ky and water, actually igniting the waves. Water and fire rushed in all directions like a tide. When the heat wave set off, it was like a series of mountains. When it fell, it seemed to split the sea. The red light bloomed and burned me. Cheeks hot.
Just as the morning sun rises, large swaths of bright white giant butterflies emerge from the bottom of the sea. They spread their wings and fly towards the morning sun. In the blink of an eye, the billions of giant butterflies with two legs and arms actually cover the sky and the sun. The brilliance dimmed. However, in a blink of an eye, they rushed into the aperture of the sun. Countless flames flew out like meteors, but billions of giant butterflies were ignited by the fire of the sun, struggling to break through this The largest fire ball in the world, but in the end, they fell like moths to the flame and sank into the ruins.
Perhaps these giant butterflies only have one day to live, but in the only morning of their lives, they flutter towards the rising sun, hoping to cross the largest and most majestic fire in the world and reach the other side of their destiny.
I sat on the back of the whale and watched blankly for a day and a night, and then poured down the Guixu waterfall, which was like a waterfall for hundreds of millions of miles.
“What happened after that? What was the scene like in Guixu?” Luo Dichen, who was already addicted to the old man’s story, couldn’t wait to ask, his beautiful face was filled with intoxication, but his little mouth was raised. , “Are you still thinking about getting back the water to make wine? If it were me, the first thing I would do is have a good time.”
The old man smiled slightly, looked at the wine bowl, and wanted to pour more, but hesitated slightly, and then opened his mouth Then he said, “Indeed, like you, I have given up on getting water and am extremely curious about Guixu. Anyway, we have arrived at Guixu, so we can take the water as we please.”
“Well, what’s next? “But the Hakka mother who was equally impatient asked.
“What kind of place is Guixu? What kind of existence is there in Guixu?”
After a pause, the old man glanced at the three people in front of him and said leisurely, “Guixu is where the gods live.”
/Under the moonlight, the two girls with stunning beauty looked intoxicated. However, Zhou Jijun, who was sitting between them, had a trace of doubt in his eyes. He could not help but think of the words of the mysterious author at the beginning of “Ji Xu Tian Shu”. .
“There was a poem in the human world that said, ‘The sea is bigger than the falling sky, and I sigh with a whisk in the dust without end.’ It means that the sea is so big, as if it is the reflection of the sky in the world, with no boundaries. This sea is not only big, but also full of dangers and variables. Even ordinary fleets strung together with iron chains would not dare to sail to the depths of the sea easily, not only because there are storms and whirlpools there, but also because according to legend, gods and monsters live i

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