arbecue into his mouth. The barbecue smells a little weird, but I can’t tell where it is.

arbecue into his mouth. The barbecue smells a little weird, but I can’t tell where it is.

arbecue into his mouth. The barbecue smells a little weird, but I can’t tell where it is.
“Do you think it’s okay? The barbecue is very clean and there is absolutely no virus. You people just don’t believe in other people’s kindness! You misunderstood my kindness, so I’m very angry. You accepted my kindness so obediently, You won’t let things develop to this point, right?” Zhao Hui scolded Yao Weidong a few more times in a condescending tone.
/“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” Yao Weidong could only continue to apologize to Zhao Hui, otherwise he didn’t know what they would do to their family of three.
“I don’t need your apology, I don’t need your sorry. Aren’t you very hungry now? I still have some barbecue here. You can eat all these barbecues.” Zhao Hui took some more of the same barbecue from him. Grill out.
“I can eat it alone. There is no need to feed them. They are really not hungry.” Yao Weidong quickly stopped Zhao Hui because he really didn’t know what these barbecued meats were made of, and he didn’t know what would happen after eating them. What consequences.
“Why are you so selfish? If you have something good, of course you have to share it with your family! What’s the point of eating it alone?” Zhao Hui was unhappy again.
/“Please let us go! If you won’t let me go, then let them both go!” Yao Weidong cried and begged Zhao Hui again. He had a very bad feeling that the two men, one big and one small, might be very perverted and do some very perverted things to the mother and daughter.
“Why is a grown man crying? If you talk like that again, I will be very angry! If I get angry, the consequences will be serious!” Zhao Hui threatened Yao Weidong with a straight face.
“What exactly do you want us to do?” Yao Weidong looked desperate.
“I just want you to have enough to eat so that you don’t starve to death. Why can’t you understand my kindness? You are really stubborn and you don’t know how to repent no matter how hard you teach me!” Zhao Hui walked around the family of three. After walking around in a circle, when he walked behind Yao Weidong, he suddenly raised the iron rod and slammed it on Yao Weidong’s back.
The bones in Yao Weidong’s back were bent and cracked, and he screamed in pain again. Cheng Qi and Yao Yi, mother and daughter, were also frightened and screamed again.
“Are you going to eat? If you don’t eat, I will have no choice but to beat him to death with a stick.” Zhao Hui walked back to the family of three and threatened the mother and daughter.
“Let’s eat, let’s eat!” Cheng Qi had no choice, she cried and agreed to Zhao Hui’s request, quickly took the barbecue in his hand and stuffed it into her mouth.
“And you.” Zhao Hui put a piece of barbecue into Yao Yi’s hand. Yao Yi was so scared that he quickly stuffed the barbecue into his mouth and swallowed it whole.
“Do you know what kind of meat this is?” Zhao Hui asked them when he saw that all three of them had eaten the barbecue.
The family of three was very scared and instinctively shook their heads to Zhao Hui to expr

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