words, Amon did not know the key point of the mutation involving the former chief of Silver City involving the black illusory thin tube.

words, Amon did not know the key point of the mutation involving the former chief of Silver City involving the black illusory thin tube.

Therefore, even if He could grasp the external situation and guess that the “Goddess of Night” had obtained the “uniqueness” of the “God of Death” path, causing the “God of War” to react violently, there was no way of knowing how this could affect the God-Abandoned Zone. Come with certain variables.
After having this understanding, Klein consciously did something in this regard without much confidence:
/In the city-state that believed in the Phoenix, he did not take away the remaining extraordinary characteristics of the “God of Death” path, hoping to leave a road sign;
After summoning Zaratul’s historical pore image, he did not seize the time to commit suicide. On the one hand, he was afraid that Amon would still be able to stop it at that time, which delayed the rest of the arrangements. On the other hand, he wanted to kill himself by summoning the “Secret Servant”. “Arianna’s projection informed the “Night Goddess” of the specific situation.
After completing these two things, Klein didn’t know what the final result would be. He focused more on the fact that Amon’s clone had long been replaced by his true body.
When he arrived at the final destination and saw the lingering angel corpse, Klein’s mind suddenly moved when he was distracted by Amon’s introduction. Only then did he realize that the goddess had already passed the “uniqueness” of the “god of death” path. , initially grasped the cursed young son of the Giant King who had been dead for thousands of years, and patiently waited for the opportunity.
And the hidden power that filled the land abandoned by God helped him hide the illusory black thin tube well.
Suddenly, in the ancient palace above the gray fog, at the top of the mottled long table, where the “Fool” belongs, a crimson “figure” that is sometimes twisted and sometimes scattered finally takes shape, revealing a bookish look with black hair and brown eyes. Klein’s appearance.
Klein’s consciousness and spirit body returned to “Origin Castle” with just a thought!
He immediately used the close connection between the Source Castle and his body, and the resonance amplification caused by the prayers of the Tarot Society members, and directly saw himself losing focus and about to lose control. He saw the blue-black palm that had just been bypassed with the help of “mistakes”. The blocking shadow of Amon.
Amon raised his head wearing a crystal monocle and made eye contact with Klein, who was sitting in the “Fool” seat.
Klein waved over the “Poseidon Scepter” and raised it.
The entire gray mist boiled, and the entire “Origin Castle” shook.
The majestic and terrifying power gathered together and turned into a raging torrent of lightning. Under the light of the blue gems that lit up at the same time, it poured down crazily, drowning Amon’s clone and Klein’s own body.
A rumble of low thunder rumbled, and terrifying silver-white lightning tore through everything it

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