dant. It was the product of a government-funded trip. The whole family couldn’t tell the authenticity from the fake, but Zhao’s father carefully collected it for several years.

dant. It was the product of a government-funded trip. The whole family couldn’t tell the authenticity from the fake, but Zhao’s father carefully collected it for several years.

dant. It was the product of a government-funded trip. The whole family couldn’t tell the authenticity from the fake, but Zhao’s father carefully collected it for several years.
Zhao’s father and mother Zhao’s mother lived an ordinary life, with ordinary people’s cunning and even more ordinary kindness. When they saw the cute elf Xiao Yu, the grudge in their hearts completely disappeared.
Xiaoyu didn’t refuse, hugged her tightly in her arms, and nodded with red eyes.
After the things were done, the two elders didn’t stay long because they couldn’t bear the 50 yuan express bus ticket and had to take the 15 yuan train. It took more than 4 hours to get to Shantang City, which is more than 100 kilometers away.
The family is not short of money, but their generation is used to being frugal, and time is the least valuable thing to them.

Zhao Song took Xiaoyu’s hand, put his parents on the bus, and then walked to the one-kilometer convenience store.
“Xiao Yu, my parents are like this, don’t be offended.”
Yi Tong made random gestures.
/“Talk like a human being.” Zhao Song said angrily.
“My family was like this when I was a child, with a shrewd mother and an honest father.
The kind of people who are full of emotions as soon as they meet are just fake.”
“Xiaoyu, now that you have both, there will be an unreliable brother in the future . ” Zhao Song has his own plans for the responsibility that is suddenly imposed on him. He hopes that this elf-like girl can live happily like an ordinary person.
As for developing the appearance of a princess like Bai Li, he has no intention or ability to do so. Hong Dazhi was sorting out the shelves at One Kilometer
/When he saw Zhao Song dragging Xiao Yu in, he rarely argued with him.
He took out the gift and fruit basket that he had prepared long ago from the island freezer and handed it to Zhao Song.
“Uncle Qi and Aunt Qi are both at home. If they make you angry, just bear with it.
They are very good people. They treat Xiaoyu as their own daughter. Who would have known that this happened.”
Zhao Song nodded: “Brother Qi Are you at home?”
“Where else? All my monthly salary is spent on medicine, and I can’t afford to stay in the hospital.” Hong Dazhi looked at the expressionless Xiao Yu behind Zhao Song, sighed, and turned around to go to work. .
an hour later, Director Qi’s home.
Zhao Song sat nervously on the old wooden sofa, Xiao Yu leaned close to him, holding the corner of his clothes with her little hands.
Aunt Qi got two cups of hot water, glanced at Director Qi, and then carefully handed them to Zhao and Song.
“Thank you, Auntie.” Zhao Song thanked him and took it.
When Aunt Qi handed the other cup to Xiao Yu, Director Qi came over without warning and slapped the cup on the ground.
Zhao Song jumped a lot and felt his clothes being pulled hard by the little hand behind him.
Zhao Song turned around and looked at Xiaoyu’s expressionless face, and his heart became cold.
“Our family is a single generation of three generations

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