Xu Congshi walked up to me. The heavy rain made a crackling sound on his umbrella. His clothes must be very expensive. Such high-end suits were rare in our time, and you can tell at a glance how good the material is. He was actually wearing leather shoes and they were very clean, which showed that the man in front of him paid great attention to his appearance and appearance.

Xu Congshi walked up to me. The heavy rain made a crackling sound on his umbrella. His clothes must be very expensive. Such high-end suits were rare in our time, and you can tell at a glance how good the material is. He was actually wearing leather shoes and they were very clean, which showed that the man in front of him paid great attention to his appearance and appearance.

Xu Congshi walked up to me. The heavy rain made a crackling sound on his umbrella. His clothes must be very expensive. Such high-end suits were rare in our time, and you can tell at a glance how good the material is. He was actually wearing leather shoes and they were very clean, which showed that the man in front of him paid great attention to his appearance and appearance.
He bent down. Under the round glasses is a pair of wrinkled, old eyes that seem to see through everything. It’s not a particularly bright light, but it’s so profound that it’s shocking.
“Are you Ba Xiaoshan? A young businessman.”
He asked.
I nodded and opened my mouth to speak, but I was so anxious that I coughed up blood.
“You don’t need to be so anxious. We still have plenty of time to chat. Of course not on such a rainy day. Nor in such a wilderness.”
He took out a handkerchief from the breast pocket of his coat and wiped it gently. He wiped away the blood on my mouth, and then put the handkerchief in my hand, gently but just right.
But at this moment, the two-faced strange dog behind him let out a threatening growl. I kept yelling at the old gentleman in front of me.
“Oh, I forgot, there is a puppy that needs to be dealt with here. Please wait, I will send you back in a while.”
He stood up straight with a smile. Turn around and face the two-faced monster dog.
“Be careful, it’s powerful”
I shouted holding my breath.
“Thank you.”
He nodded lightly, and the next second, I saw the old gentleman walking towards the two-faced strange dog. The strange dog kept barking. But it keeps retreating. But this is not what surprises me the most. What really surprises me is that the atmosphere around me has completely changed at this moment!
Originally, the surrounding Qi was filled with the violence and cruelty of the demon due to the transformation of the two-faced monster dog. The Qi was terrifying. It oppresses the surrounding creatures and deters anything that tries to harm it. But when the old gentleman got out of the car and walked in front of me, his anger had already begun to change. But this kind of change is still incomparable with the energy released by the two-faced strange dog. But one second and the next second, changes suddenly broke out in a short period of time!
The old gentleman, who was originally calm, stood up. The moment he turned around, I felt the energy around me suddenly release like an explosion. The violent aura of the two-faced strange dog was suddenly suppressed, like a stream suddenly facing a river, and the old man’s majestic energy was like the Yellow River rushing in front of me.
“My anger has changed,”
I said in surprise.
/The old gentleman held an umbrella and walked toward the two-faced strange dog. As he took his first step, the sound of rain around him suddenly became quieter. After taking the second step, the two-faced strange dog turned around and ran away in fear. After taking the third step, all the energy in the surrounding woods moved closer to the center, forcing the

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