zhou was captured, and the Shu Han Dynasty was almost exhausted, and it began to decline from then on.

zhou was captured, and the Shu Han Dynasty was almost exhausted, and it began to decline from then on.

zhou was captured, and the Shu Han Dynasty was almost exhausted, and it began to decline from then on.
/The methods of using troops are the same for each other. This is true in reincarnation, and it is also true in the four major continents. What’s more, today our mountain has only 50,000 elite soldiers. If we divide our troops, they will definitely attract covetousness from all parties.
Confirming the past in reincarnation, Li Cheer understood clearly and no longer questioned Zhou Jijun’s military order. When he came back to his senses and looked up, the handsome seat was empty.
/The release of the Expedition List has undoubtedly caused an uproar in the world. There are only three days left before the Chang’an Water and Land Conference. When such news comes out at this time, it is inevitable that people will be confused and have different opinions. That day, a strong man from the mountain and sea reincarnation appeared on the Chuitian Road, letting the powerful people in Chang’an know that there was a hunting list for the four major continents. How many people were on the list, and what the rewards of the hunting were, are still unknown, but there is no need to know. Dare to use the four major continents and even the heaven and earth as a hunting ground, which has aroused the anger of the powerful people in the world. Although they are not the same enemies, everyone can talk about the mysterious reincarnation of mountains and seas without feeling indignant.
Although Tianya Pavilion announced the expedition list, it did not list the people on the list. It was like a heavy mystery buried in the hearts of everyone, and everyone was looking forward to it.
After the Battle of Chui Tiandao, Chang’an was divided into two parts, divided into north and south parts with the ruins left by Zhu Xian Jue Jian as the boundary. To the south is the original East-West Market, which has now become a place where gods and ghosts gather in the people of Tang Dynasty. No ordinary people dare to set foot there anymore. The north is called the inner city, which houses the royal palace and the new street market. At this time, people were coming and going in the market, but there was only one small wine shop on the corner that was slightly deserted. People in the Tang Dynasty came and went, but they turned a blind eye to them. The aroma of wine wafted out, but no one could smell it. In the wine shop, an old Taoist dressed in gray cloth sat alone, pouring and drinking in front of the busy street.
“Taoist Lu Ya is very leisurely.”
The curtain opened, and the man in white clothes and silver hair walked slowly in. He glanced at the old Taoist with a dancing beard, smiled faintly, and then sat down opposite him.
“Tsk, tsk, Mr. Jun’s visit is really a blessing. Mr. Jun is not enjoying his leisure time in your chess club, so why do you come here to tell me what you are doing?”
Lu Ya did not look at Zhou Jijun, but continued to drink his wine and said with a sneer.
“Why, the Taoist must still hold a grudge.”
Zhou Jijun smiled and

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