the mysterious, unknown existence that affects Selena.

the mysterious, unknown existence that affects Selena.

Since he is only Sequence 9, the ritual magic he masters is not powerful enough. If he wants to succeed, he must let Elizabeth introduce Selina into the “sealing ring” and into the “altar” range.
Therefore, it is necessary to consider the situation where the other party notices and resists
Based on the above factors, Klein prepared to use “interrupted” ritual magic.
The so-called “interrupted” ritual magic means that when extraordinary people perform rituals, they can interrupt according to the situation, complete other things first, wait until they are finished, and then return to continue, and still get the desired effect.
This is a technique derived from the development of ritual magic over thousands of years. After all, many high-level rituals require many steps and may take an hour, two hours, or even half a day to complete. It is difficult to ensure that no one will disturb you during the process. , no accident happened.
After the blood and tears of ancestors, and the feedback of failures again and again, ritual magic that can “interrupt” has become mainstream at high levels, and has indirectly affected low-level parts.
But being able to “interrupt” does not mean that you can interrupt whenever you want, and you can interrupt however you want. You must follow the theory of occultism and master the corresponding techniques, otherwise the failure of the ritual will be an unavoidable outcome, and may even cause A terrifying backlash.
According to Klein’s understanding, when you successfully get the attention of a certain god, and while he is waiting for you to say the content of your prayer, you suddenly say “Wait a minute, I’ll go to the bathroom first”, then congratulations, you Never need to go to the bathroom again.
Hu Klein exhaled to keep himself calm.
Fortunately, Selena’s things are relatively complete, otherwise she really wouldn’t be able to complete the arrangement, and Old Neil’s quick ritual is not something that a “divinationist” can do. It seems that Selena is a relatively senior occult enthusiast. Ah, well, she’s not a senior, and she can’t get into such trouble. She’s only sixteen years old. She’s been exposed to this for at least more than a year. Who introduced her? Klein’s thoughts were flying, and he picked up Celine from the bedside position. Pour water into Na’s cup and place it next to the coarse salt.
He took out his pocket watch, clicked it open, and took a quick look. Without further delay, he sketched the layers of light balls in his mind and quickly entered meditation.
/Suddenly, an invisible wind swirled in the room filled with the fragrance of flowers. Klein’s eyes, which had put away his pocket watch, suddenly darkened, turning from brown to black, as if he could see the soul of everyone who was watching.
He stretched out his palm, placed it against the candle in the upper right corner, and said silently in his heart:
“Goddess of the Night, you are the Lord of Crimson”
/During the silent recitation, Klein extended h

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