

“Brother Bray, can we defeat the ‘Hunter Mantis’ king?” David asked with some worry.
He was certain that the speed of the ‘Hunter Mantis’ King would be difficult for him to defeat. Maybe he would be hit by the ‘Hunter Mantis’ King before he could even use ‘Spiritual Sleep’ or ‘Psychic Puncture’.
‘Hunter Mantis’ speed increased ten times, and he had no confidence in fighting it.
“Don’t worry, I will take action if there is danger!” Bray said with a smile, his voice full of confidence.
/“Brother Bray, if you attack with all your strength, how strong would you be?” Having become familiar with Bray, David no longer had any scruples in asking questions.
“When I explode with all my strength, my strength is 3,000 kilograms, and there is also a trace of extraordinary power that can greatly increase my strength and speed!” Bray replied softly.
He and David were using private channels that would not be heard by other soldiers.
“Extraordinary power! It is both heaven and hell. It can give the warrior super strength and speed, and also corrode the warrior’s body. When the extraordinary potion is used, this trace of extraordinary power is bred in the body. , its power allowed me to break through the shackles of my body, enter the transformation period, and have the hope of becoming extraordinary!” Bray’s answer was intertwined with hope and disappointment.
/After taking the ‘extraordinary potion’, he became a lucky soldier and entered the stage of transformation.
But this trace of extraordinary power also triggered drastic changes in his body. The constant growth in strength made it unbearable for his body, and his body was damaged again and again.
During the period of entering the transformation period, Bray experienced several life and death situations. If it were not for Galen’s extraordinary help, Bray would have died in the process of transformation.
After getting David’s ‘Holy Water of Agelessness’, with a sufficient amount of ‘Holy Water of Agelessness’, Bray had another choice, giving up this failed promotion.
Although this will require him to practice for more than ten years before he can continue to take the ‘Extraordinary Potion’, and even the chance of making the next attempt will be greatly reduced, Bray knows that this promotion has already failed and a lot of resources have been consumed. , can only barely maintain life.
Bray chose to give up this promotion, but giving up the promotion would require expelling that trace of extraordinary power.
There are also two options. One is to ask Galen to take extraordinary action and directly drive away the trace of extraordinary power from his body. This is the simplest, but also the safest.
The second is that Bray inspires extraordinary power. This trace of extraordinary power allows him to burst out with near-supernatural strength and speed. Although it is far from a true extraordinary attack, the attack power is enough to dwarf all soldiers.
In addition, Bray was greatly favored by David’s “Holy Water of Agelessness”, so he chose to follow David to t

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