and didn’t go there. Never mind them, I originally planned to come here once and then go to the nearest place, but now I changed my mind temporarily. I decided to come here again between one and two o’clock in the evening to see if I can meet them. This so-called “ghost”.

and didn’t go there. Never mind them, I originally planned to come here once and then go to the nearest place, but now I changed my mind temporarily. I decided to come here again between one and two o’clock in the evening to see if I can meet them. This so-called “ghost”.

and didn’t go there. Never mind them, I originally planned to come here once and then go to the nearest place, but now I changed my mind temporarily. I decided to come here again between one and two o’clock in the evening to see if I can meet them. This so-called “ghost”.
However, this place is in a remote place. There are no houses around, let alone hotels and the like. And I can’t stay at the gas station all the time. Firstly, it will be boring for such a long time. Secondly, I have to stay here all the time. It will strain the nerves of all employees and put a lot of pressure on them, and it is easy to alert others, so I leave first at this time and come back after the evening, and I can gain some unexpected rewards by reviewing it.
I thought for a while that I couldn’t go back to the city. After all, it was a long way away. In the end, I decided to go to a nearby village and town for a stroll and find something to eat along the way.
I calculated the time and drove back to the gas station. However, in order to avoid scaring the people at the gas station and disturbing some people who should not be disturbed, I parked the car in a more secluded location on the side of the road. Then he walked to the gas station and waited for this person to appear.
I also know that waiting for results is very slow, but I am just betting on a guess, because from what the cashier said today, I have a guess that this person has been appearing at the intersection of the gas station, right? Waiting for me to come here, that is to say, he appears here just for me to notice and find him.
The waiting time passed very slowly, every minute and second seemed to be stretched out. Finally, at a little after one o’clock, this person appeared on the roadside at the gas station intersection. I was shocked when I saw it. Although I didn’t fully see what this person looked like from the surveillance, but When I saw this person under the light, I also felt that he was the person I saw on the surveillance camera.
/How could such a thing happen? Although I have experienced what happened between Su Jingnan and me, I always felt that this was just a special case and could not be applied to any scenario. So when I saw him, my back felt numb. After all, Chinese people still have the concept of ghosts and gods in their bones, so at that moment I seemed to see a lonely ghost wandering around. I originally wanted to go forward, but in the end I held back, maybe because I suddenly had the idea This kind of fear may be caused by something else. In short, the reasons are very complicated.
And I saw him wandering around the intersection before disappearing into the night. When I came to my senses and wanted to look for him, he was completely gone.
Of course, after I calmed down, I was sure that this was a human being, not a ghost, but some method was used. I felt that there must be a reasonable explanation. The only regret was that I failed to seize the opportunity. At that moment, I didn’t know why my head was shaking. The child was not enough, as

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