eport it to the kingdom.

eport it to the kingdom.

From beginning to end, Hudson made no comment. He knew the situation in the Near East all too well.
The unlucky nobles who are now being destroyed are not alone. If there is no one behind them to support them, they will not be so active.
The current situation is: the nobles of the border counties have joined forces to expand externally, touching the bottom line of the orcs, and have encountered a fierce counterattack by the nearby orc tribes.
There is no problem in playing expansion, but if you are not strong enough, you force yourself to imitate others in playing expansion, if you take too big a step and accidentally pull your balls, then you deserve it.
It is impossible to expect the Kingdom’s endorsement.
If this kind of precedent is set, it will become: if you win, the profits will be yours; if you lose, the kingdom will keep everything.
Hudson was sure that as long as this political signal was released, the war would never be extinguished.
If you can let your subordinates raise these issues in meetings, it is for the sake of public relations. Hudson has not promised whether he can get the support of the kingdom.
“Count Ebert, if things are that simple, then the current tragedy can only be attributed to our own overestimation.
However, after in-depth investigation, we found that there are people behind these incidents who are deliberately leading conflicts in an attempt to provoke war.
The county’s investigation team has repeatedly found orc corpses in our settlements, but we were not the ones who killed them.
These dead orcs are not ordinary fish. They are basically relatives of the leaders of the nearby orc tribes, or they are the leaders themselves.
In order to round up the mastermind behind the scenes, several of our counties joined forces many times, but in the end only a few enemy corpses were left behind. ”
As soon as Viscount Marcelino finished speaking, the atmosphere on the court changed.
/The border area has only been stable for a few years. Everyone is busy with construction, but few want to start a war at this time.
The most ideal situation is that for twenty or thirty years of peace, the kingdom will completely digest the large areas of northern Xinjiang and the Near East, and then cripple the Orc Empire in one fell swoop.
“I just want to cripple”, mainly because the centipede is dead but not stiff.
Once a powerful force like the Orc Empire is pushed to a life-and-death moment, the power it can unleash is absolutely extraordinary.
If it had been easy to deal with, the last time the human alliance besieged the Orc Empire, they had destroyed them directly, and it wouldn’t have been delayed until now.
“There is no doubt that what Viscount Marcelino said is true. There is indeed a force hiding in the dark, constantly provoking conflicts between us and the orcs.
This force is very hidden, and it contains both orcs and human scum.
Xueyue Leader has also discovered traces of these guys, but unfortunately the ones who showed up were dead soldiers controlled by

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