nse, the four thousand ascetics will not actively participate in any actions, and will only be attacked when attacked. Then take action.

nse, the four thousand ascetics will not actively participate in any actions, and will only be attacked when attacked. Then take action.

In other words, a fourth-level priest will control the Space War Temple. As long as David is fast enough, he can solve the problem before the fourth-level priest discovers the danger.
Even if he is discovered, the existence of the black dragon Alexis will be exposed at most.
David has seen that the two god-level souls in Shadow Warrior’s body will be completely purified in a few months and become controllable god-level souls.
His strength has reached the semi-god level. As long as Shadow Warrior completely purifies the two god-level souls, he can try to resurrect the two Zerg god-level souls. By then, he will have three god-level subordinates.
/In case the God of War pursues too closely, David is prepared to go to the Interstellar Federation and wait for a while. After resurrecting the two Zerg Gods, he does not believe that the three Gods cannot compete with the God of War.
David activated the ‘Safety Point of the Divine World’ in ‘Space Coordinates’, and the space wormhole appeared in front of him.
He entered the space wormhole in one step. He didn’t have to worry about the ‘safe point in the divine world’. First, the safe point was five hundred meters underground. Second, he left a fifth-level bishop clone at the safe point, so he could know at any time. Safer situation.
Five hundred meters underground is a depth that cannot be scanned by the scanning array. Unless the planet is destroyed, it will be difficult to find a safe point underground without accurate positioning.
When David came to a safe place, there was an artifact on top of his head, the ‘Sneaking Crown’, which locked his own breath tightly.
He didn’t know if this artifact, the ‘Sneaking Crown’, could conceal the scan from the War Temple. He had never tried it before, and he had to try it this time.
Because this space war temple is right above his ‘divine world safe point’, it is really too dangerous.
If he doesn’t take this opportunity to destroy the Space War Temple when he has just taken over the management of the Space War Temple and has not yet cooperated proficiently, then he will have to be extremely careful every time he uses the ‘Sacred Great World Security Point’ in the future.
/Besides, Jiami Star is occupied by the Temple of War. This is his leading star, so there is no way for outsiders to be stationed here.
David did not dare to use the mind scan. He was worried that his mind would be detected by the scanning array of the Space War Temple.
He didn’t even use the ‘sky breaking’ talent, but used the more subtle ‘underground stealth’ talent to travel from underground to the surface.
As they neared the ground, David’s head popped up from the surface and he saw the surface of Garmi.
Although it was only a limited area, it still made him feel extremely angry.
The destruction of Garmi Star exceeded David’s imagination. He thought that the War Temple would only attack key areas at most, but the s

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