full of disbelief as he copied the alchemy pattern. Based on his understanding of the alchemy pattern, this was almost impossible.

full of disbelief as he copied the alchemy pattern. Based on his understanding of the alchemy pattern, this was almost impossible.

But he didn’t believe that Professor Gaskell would lie to him. There was no need to deceive in this kind of thing, as long as he tried it, he would know whether it was the truth.
“Of course, copying the alchemical pattern can only retain one-tenth of the effect of the alchemical pattern, and the alchemical pattern must be made into a form of continuous energy. Please take a look!” Professor Gaskell continued.
Professor Gaskell opened the experimental table on the other side. There was a square alchemical item placed on it, with a sharp pattern in the middle.
David understood the function of this alchemical item at a glance. It was an alchemical circle that used the energy of kryptonite to give an item a short-term sharp effect.
This is generally used by knights to temporarily increase the power of short spears, giving the short spear a sharp effect for a few seconds.
This alchemy circle is a rare item in the world of gods. It is not that its alchemy difficulty is high, but that this alchemy circle is only useful to low-level knights, and low-level knights who are from great nobles do not need this alchemy circle to increase their weapons. It’s sharp, and low-level knights from small noble families don’t have that much wealth to buy this kind of alchemy circle.
Professor Gaskell operated, and an energy beam swept across the alchemy pattern. On the equipment on the other side, a complete sharp pattern was copied without any errors.
David’s perception is extremely sensitive, and he is an ‘alchemy master’, so he can see that the process of copying patterns is not that simple.
The process of copying the sharp pattern is actually to forcibly deprive part of the energy from the sharp pattern in the middle of the alchemy circle, and then completely restore it through calculation and analysis.
This is a genius-like imagination that skips all the problems in alchemy and directly transfers the energy of the inspired sharp pattern into a complete sharp pattern.
It’s a pity that the copied sharp patterns have almost no power. The main reason is that the original sharp patterns were made by an ‘alchemist’ and are not very powerful.
Coupled with the loss when depriving energy, and the fact that the surface of the alchemical pattern is only simulated during the copying process, it is already a miracle that one-tenth of the effect can be retained.
/“Professor Gaskell, do you want me to ask the ‘Alchemy Master’ to make an alchemical item like this for you to copy the alchemy pattern?” David somewhat understood what Professor Gaskell meant, and he asked.
If an ‘alchemist master’ takes action, the power of the alchemy pattern produced is at least ten times that of an ordinary ‘alchemist’. No matter how much the damage is, the copied alchemy pattern can be guaranteed to be drawn by an ‘alchemist’ at the very least. level.
“Admiral David, please help me. If I can get this kind of alchemy item mad

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