t, stood up straight and waited for the other party’s response.

t, stood up straight and waited for the other party’s response.

“Isaiah, I already know the matter, and I’m asking Mr. Hadley to help coordinate!” President Hume’s figure appeared on the identity bracelet, looking at Captain Isaiah and said in a deep voice.
President Hume is the president of the Naan Chamber of Commerce and one of the people at the top of Naan City’s power.
“Master President, how could you alert Master Hadley?” Captain Isaiah asked in shock.
How could this not surprise him? The Lord Hadley that President Hume mentioned was the extraordinary person of the Naan Chamber of Commerce. It was precisely because of Hadley’s extraordinary existence that the Naan Chamber of Commerce could compete with the Naan Chamber of Commerce at its peak combat power. The remaining three major forces are tied together.
/Alarming Hadley Cha Chao, this shows that the people targeting the Freedom Blade mercenary group are equivalent to Hadley Cha Chao’s identity.
“Isaiah, the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group has been doing well since you led it. However, it offended the military some time ago, and this time it attacked Galen’s extraordinary disciple. Although the Chamber of Commerce has connections, it cannot If you continue like this, after this trouble is resolved, you can retire and become a steward in the Chamber of Commerce!” President Hume said with a touch of indifference in his voice.
In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group was too important to the Naan Chamber of Commerce and was one of the main combat forces of the Naan Chamber of Commerce, President Hume would not even want to end the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group.
The last time he attacked military soldiers in Perrin City, causing chaos in Perrin City, President Hume used a large number of contacts to gain the military’s understanding.
This time the Freedom Blade mercenary group went too far, ambushing Galen’s extraordinary disciple David in the underground network of Na’an City.
Although the fact that David became Galen’s extraordinary disciple was not announced to the public, who among the top circles would not know about it.
“President, I still don’t understand why?” Isaiah heard that he was asked to step down from the position of leader and become a steward of the Chamber of Commerce. His face turned pale, and he asked with difficulty. .
The two positions of the steward of the Naan Chamber of Commerce and the leader of the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group can be said to be one in the sky and one on the ground. Although the Naan Chamber of Commerce is one of the four major forces in Naan City and even Rock Star, it is actually multiple. A consortium of consortiums.
The Naan Chamber of Commerce itself does not have much real power. Even President Hume is only the elected general coordinator and nominal leader. Isaiah becomes the manager, which is no better than ordinary employees sitting in the office.
“Where do all the annual intelligence expenses of the Freedom Blade Mercenary Group go? Don’t you know until now that D

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