it to the other party again, which would make communication very complicated.

it to the other party again, which would make communication very complicated.

Individual communication is truly individual communication. I’m afraid you won’t be able to understand what “The Sun” is saying, and the same goes for “The Sun.” Klein nodded calmly and said:
/In the circle of extraordinary people, Hermes is a knowledge that must be mastered. Ancient Hermes is something that can be learned and is relatively popular. Giants, dragons, elves, etc. are relatively niche and not many people understand them.
Before he finished speaking, Klein blocked “The Hanged Man” so that he could neither see nor hear it.
Alger was somewhat interested in the dragon’s information, but not to the point where he was willing to pay the price to listen, so he kept silent and waited quietly.
Seeing Mr. Fool making a gesture to start communication, Derrick the Sun was silent for a few seconds and composed the following words:
“The giant dragons are the mortal enemies of the Royal Court of Giants. They all look like enlarged lizards, with their whole bodies covered with scales of different colors. Their limbs are thick and powerful, and their wings are wide enough to drive their giant bodies to fly quickly. They are the rulers of the sky. ”
“Some of them have fire breath, some can control lightning, some can bring corrosion, and some can create frost, but these are not the mainstream of the dragon family. The most numerous dragons are the dragon king An The extraordinary path derived from the spiritual dragon represented by Gerweid is the audience. In the City of Silver, we generally call it the dragon path.”
For similar transactions, Derrick initially planned to copy the history textbooks of the general education course. However, after discovering that Miss Justice, Mr. “The Hanged Man” and himself did not seem to be in the same “world”, he gradually realized those common things in Silver City. Historical value, so he only mentioned dragons this time and did not talk about giants, elves, alien species, phoenixes, vampires and other related information.
“King of Dragons” Angelweed This is consistent with what is recorded in church classics. Audrey nodded gently and politely did not interrupt “The Sun”‘s story.
Derrick recalled the textbook and said:
“At that time, the most powerful and terrifying member of the dragon clan was the dragon king Angelweed, also known as the Dragon of Fantasy. In addition, his son, Alsuhod, also shrouded the sky. , a famous strong man overlooking the earth and ocean, its title is the Dragon of Nightmares.”
/“There is a legend about the fantasy dragon Angelweed. The objects it imagines will surely materialize, the country it imagines will surely come to the material world, and the future it claims will surely come to pass. Staged, made real.”
Klein, who was listening, suddenly frowned. If Audrey “Justice” wasn’t listening intently to “The Sun”‘s words, she would definitely have noticed something unusual about him, even through the thick gray fog.
The description just now reminded hi

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