flying mount appeared from the void, and a light long sword shining with pale golden light swept across the head of the fourth-level Zerg.

flying mount appeared from the void, and a light long sword shining with pale golden light swept across the head of the fourth-level Zerg.

The level four Zerg didn’t understand who killed it until it died, and the eyes in its flying head were still in a state of confusion.
David did not preach to the six earth knights. After this experience, he believed that the six earth knights would never take it lightly again.
“Lord Arthur, please come here!” Annabelle Templar’s voice came from the contact circle that came with the divine pattern armor.
/David sensed the location of Annabelle Templar. At this time, Annabelle Templar was next to the fifth-level priest of Heaviside, and the other four Templars from the Temple of War were also there.
David activated the teleportation ability of the divine pattern armor and reappeared next to the fifth-level priest of Heaviside.
“Lord Arthur, thank you for your help this time. If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me!” Annabelle Templar said to David with a smile.
“You have always taken care of me before. Now that I have some strength, I will be here when you need me!” David replied with a smile.
Annabelle Templar smiled happily. You must know that asking Lord Arthur to come over to help this time was a personal favor for her.
This mission is led by Annabelle Templar. If she fails or suffers too much loss, although it will not affect her status in the temple, it will also cause her to lose face.
For the Annabelle Templars, their status has reached the top, and the most important thing now is face.
Annabelle Templar also knew very well that if David did not bring eight Templars to help this time, the consequences would be serious.
“Okay, I won’t say any more thanks. These are the corpses of two level five bugs. They are the trophies assigned to you. Don’t be too little!” Annabelle Templar casually threw a space ring over. He said nonchalantly.
David took the space ring, which contained the bodies of the ‘Purple Flame Beetle’ and the ‘Black Ice Beetle’.
“This is not appropriate. According to the rules, I can just take the corpse of the fifth-level Zerg I killed!” David looked at the several fifth-level strong men on the side, and then looked at the Annabelle Templar and said.
“What’s inappropriate? If it weren’t for you, let alone killing the fifth-level Zerg, it would be hard to even survive!” Annabelle Templar said directly without being polite.
“Take it, otherwise the favor you owe this time will be huge!” A Templar from the Temple of War said with a wry smile.
His words also meant what the other level five powerhouses meant. This time with Lord Arthur’s help, they successfully completed the task of guarding Tula Star.
For the Templars of Annabelle, this mission is just a refreshing battle, but for them, the Templars of the Temple of War, it is an important mission to improve their status in the temple.
Just as the Templars of the Temple of War said, if Lord Arthur does not take away the corpses of the fifth-level Zerg, what else can they pay in retu

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