that this place has not been discovered by humans.

that this place has not been discovered by humans.

David recalled Shadow Warrior and took the five sky knights back to Shadow Warrior’s summoning ring. He did not dismantle the ancient medium-sized portal in the cave, nor did he open the stone door. Instead, he activated the ‘underground stealth’ ability and passed through the stone door. The rocks came outside.
He was very careful and did not touch the layout outside the cave. He thought that the Church of the God of Shadows would definitely set some traps outside the stone door of the cave. Unknown people would be attacked by the traps and even directly destroy the safe house.
/Breathing the fresh air, David felt that the environment here was very good. If he wasn’t worried that the remaining forces of the ‘Shadow God’ Church would know about this safe house, he would have wanted to build his own safe house here. idea.
Just when David wanted to let Shadow Attendant summon the Sky Knight to explore the surrounding situation, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, and then his aura became extremely weak, and he used the ‘Sniper Master”s hidden aura technique with all his strength.
This wasn’t over yet, he activated the ‘Lightning Body’ talent ability and the ‘Underground Stealth’ ability. He summoned a bolt of lightning from inside the lightning pattern, his body merged into the lightning, and the lightning penetrated into the ground.
Only after reaching ten meters underground did David finally feel relieved.
/He looked at the sky in the distance through the eyes of the shadow attendant who stayed outside, where there was an incredible scene.
A total of twenty-five sky knights were flying in formation in the form of a sky knight battle formation.
Not to mention the combined combat power of the twenty-five Sky Knights, the momentum exuded by so many Sky Knights gathered together makes people excited.
This is the absolute combat power of the divine world. Such a sky knight formation can make the fifth-level Zerg a little wary even on the battle star.
The characteristic of the knight profession is that the more knights are combined, the more their combat power will double.
David couldn’t even imagine the power of a knightly battle formation composed of twenty-five sky knights, and he couldn’t even imagine what on this unknown planet would require such force to be executed.
No matter what the situation was, David should not expose himself at this time, and of course he did not choose to leave. If he wanted to leave, the ancient medium-sized portal in the heart of the mountain could allow him to leave easily at any time.
Perhaps it was because of the ancient medium-sized portal as an escape route, or perhaps David had an adventurous spirit that made him want to see what was going on.
He was curious, and he realized that maybe this time he would witness something great.
Gilbert Sky Knight didn’t know what kind of mood he was feeling at this time. He was originally a law enforcement Sky Knight on Bama Star. He used his little friendship wit

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