there will be an enemy trying to completely bury my Dragon Clan! But fortunately, you succeeded in seizing the body. Got a Yuan Shou man!”

there will be an enemy trying to completely bury my Dragon Clan! But fortunately, you succeeded in seizing the body. Got a Yuan Shou man!”

He looked Xu Ying up and down, as if looking at a rare treasure, and said: “After you become a distant ancestor, our dragon clan will have the most powerful power and can survive in this world! The dragon clan will be resurrected because of you!”
His last sentence was sonorous and powerful, shocking the soul, and lifted up the spirits of hundreds of dragon immortals around him, who all looked at Xu Ying.
Xu Ying hurriedly said loudly: “I have received the inheritance from my distant ancestor. If I become a distant ancestor, I will die!”
All the dragon immortals around burst into laughter.
“You won’t die!”
/The long-browed dragon immortal smiled and said, “You have become a distant ancestor, how can you die?”
Xu Ying said: “But my consciousness is gone! Without self-consciousness, what occupies this body is the consciousness of our distant ancestors. What is the difference between death and death?”
The long-browed Longxian frowned slightly, and Long Yu quickly stepped forward and said: “Elder Jin, he is still young and doesn’t know the reason for this. Let me tell him. Long Ying, you will not die if you become a distant ancestor. The physical body becomes the physical body of the distant ancestor, and your consciousness is compatible with the consciousness of the distant ancestor. You and the distant ancestor can no longer be separated, and you will become a part of the distant ancestor!”
Xu Ying said angrily: “It would be better to die!”
The surrounding dragon immortals were furious and yelled: “Being compatible with the distant ancestors is our lifelong dream. How dare you rather die than become the distant ancestors? You are treasonous!”
“It’s an insult to Xianlong!”
“Not a rafter!”
/Long Yu couldn’t help but get angry and shouted: “You little dragon, why are you so selfish? Which dragon in our clan doesn’t want to be inherited by our distant ancestors and become our distant ancestors? You just push back and block everything! You can’t be allowed to be presumptuous!”
His magic power exploded and pressed down like an overwhelming force. Xu Ying was willing to resist, but he offended the public. The dragon immortals around him burst out their magic power and pressed down on him, pressing him down on the altar with a roar!
The Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal was also quite angry, but he still remained rational and asked: “Long Yu, our Dragon Clan has always considered it an honor to be compatible with our distant ancestors. Why is he so evasive and even feels that he might as well die? Are you? Have you tested your true identity?”
Long Yu quickly smiled and said: “Elder Jin, I have checked his Yuan Shen, and the seizure is extremely perfect. If he were not a Yuanshou, it would not be possible for him to be so compatible.”
The Long-Eyebrow Dragon Immortal looked at the immobile Xu Ying on the altar and could not see any problems.
Xu Ying’s physical body is that of a dra

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