, and the God King forcibly seized control of the Heavenly Punishment Sword!

, and the God King forcibly seized control of the Heavenly Punishment Sword!

“Fortunately, Chanchan helped me get a few more brands!”
Master Jiang was terrified, he mobilized his vitality, tried his best to hold on to the mark of the Heavenly Punishment Sword, and said to himself, “Now it depends on Zhu Tiangong’s ability, whether he can withstand the King of God’s obliteration!”
The Heavenly Punishment Sword beat violently, but the mark left by Zhu Chanchan has never been erased.
“Your Majesty, sacrifice the immortal weapon!” Taishi Jiang shouted.
Although the Tiandao God King could not erase the imprint of the Tianchu Sword, he actually invaded his Xiyi Domain, causing thunder and lightning to crackle down in the Xiyi Domain, and lightning textures appeared one after another!
This scene is so scary that even Master Jiang, who claims to be a wise man, can’t help but feel numb.
Upon hearing this, Emperor Zhou immediately activated the magic weapon of the Immortal Family of Zhou Dynasty, but saw a five-color flag rising into the sky. Emperor Zhou’s spirit was vast, holding the five-color fairy flag, and waved it with all his strength.
In the sky of Xu Yingyin’s scene, five qi rose into the sky, the runes of Heaven’s Dao exploded, and Heaven’s Dao was shattered!
However, the power of this five-color flag was so strong that even the promised hidden scene was shaken, and the five qi almost tore the world apart!
Emperor Zhou hurriedly set up the five-color flag and did not dare to wave it again.
“Five Color Immortal King Flag?”
A surprised voice came, “How come you have such a valuable treasure?”
/Ahead, the Cangwu Abyss was in sight, but at this moment, the slender figure fell from the sky and landed in front of Xu Ying. The trembling cloak made a sound and slowly fell, draped behind the figure.
The God King of the Heavenly World turned around, faced Xu Ying directly, and said with a smile: “It turns out that you are the traitor, Xu Ying, I didn’t look for you, but I didn’t expect you to come to my door. Don’t you remember me? Dashang At that time, I was ordered to capture you, and there was a Golden Crow beside you at that time.”
Xu Ying shook his head and said: “I have not fully recovered that memory.”
Chong Xiao, Zhou Tianzi and Grand Master Jiang walked out of his hiding place, each showing a wary look.
Behind Emperor Zhou, the soul is hundreds of feet tall, holding the five-color Immortal King flag, majestic.
The God King’s eyes fell on the big flag, with a hint of joy in his eyes, and then he smiled and said: “Let me remind you, my name is God King Xuanhao. Do you still remember the reincarnation of Yan Baoer? I am the one who leads the crowd to ambush you. .”
Zhong Xiao said in a deep voice: “Xu, didn’t you say that you no longer have the weakness of women? Don’t be impulsive, we can’t defeat you.”
Xu Ying took a long breath and suddenly said loudly: “Cangwu”
In the Cangwu Abyss in the distance, an old man in gray walked over, with gray mist flowing like a waterfall. As the old man moved, the

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