hough Archie’s extraordinary dodge movement was fast, it was not without injuries. His body dodged, but his left forearm was swept by the gray gas, and his left forearm immediately lost consciousness.

hough Archie’s extraordinary dodge movement was fast, it was not without injuries. His body dodged, but his left forearm was swept by the gray gas, and his left forearm immediately lost consciousness.

He activated the flying ability of the extraordinary armor. Before leaving, he flew to the side of Soldier No. 3. With the only sword-holding hand he could use, he grabbed the exoskeleton armor of Soldier No. 3 with three fingers, and then soared into the sky. rise.
As soon as Archie Chaofan took off, countless rocks flew towards him. The biggest threat was the attack of the elite ‘Stoneskin Worms’.
At this moment, Archie Chaofan made a choice that surprised David very much. Archie Chaofan blocked the No. 3 armor in front of him. These stones could only seriously injure Archie Chaofan and put the No. 3 armor behind him. The soldier’s exoskeleton armor was broken, and then his body was smashed.
Although the two extraordinary people escaped, it was obvious that the king of the ‘Stone Skin Worm’ did not want to let them go. It chased the two extraordinary people in the direction of flying away. Before leaving, it casually sprayed a stream of gray gas that hit the remaining five. Soldier.
The five soldiers who were stunned by the scene of the two extraordinary people escaping just now were enveloped in gray gas without any resistance. They stood there like statues.
The King of ‘Stone Skin Worms’ ignored them and chased in the direction of the two extraordinary beings with a swarm of ‘Stone Skin Worms’.
David waited for a while, watching the ‘stone-skinned worms’ swarm move away for five hundred meters before he came out of the boulder.
He first came to several soldiers and uncovered the face shield of one of them.
/When he saw the face under the visor, David was shocked, because the face under the visor turned out to be a face carved out of stone.
Of course David knew that this was not a real stone sculpture, but the effect of the gray gas ejected by the King of Stoneskin Worms.
David once again uncovered all the visors of the other soldiers, and finally he saw a familiar face. He recognized the face turned into stone at a glance.
Canning has long since lost his life breath, and his soul has been absorbed by Shadow Warrior.
/David shook his head, never expecting that the former president would die in the hands of the Zerg instead of him.
Originally, David had also decided to kill Canning, but was targeted by a sniper master, with almost no chance of survival.
David asked Shadow Attendant to put away the six second-level weapons and looked at the direction. He would not go back from the original route. There was the King of ‘Stoneskin Worm’ there. With his combat power, let alone encountering ‘Stoneskin Worm’ The king of worms will be in big trouble even if they encounter the elite ‘stone-skinned worms’.
He turned his head and looked at the center of the pile of rocks, where the king of the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ originally lived.
David always felt that the whole ‘stone-skinned worm’ had a strange feeling. He had ne

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