ance is very good, and he was admitted to our school with Gao Dewei.” Bai Xiaohui looked at Bai Hui strangely, why did he look like this boy was very important to Bai Xiaohui?

ance is very good, and he was admitted to our school with Gao Dewei.” Bai Xiaohui looked at Bai Hui strangely, why did he look like this boy was very important to Bai Xiaohui?

“Of course he is not gregarious, because he is the best! How can the best people want to be gregarious with ordinary people? How can he be so stupid? He is very smart, he is almost the smartest in the world Man! He is also very good at fighting, but he never takes the initiative to bully others. It is everyone else’s fault!” Bai Hui angrily said to Bai Xiaohui, “It turns out that you have preconceived ideas and had such an impression of him! How could you? so!”
“Am I not you?” Bai Xiaohui felt inexplicable towards Bai Hui’s anger.
“I, I, I am correcting you now!” Bai Hui stamped her feet, feeling a little uncomfortable. It turned out that she had heard something about Liu Changan from somewhere at that time, and had such a preconceived impression.
“I don’t want you to correct me. Don’t I know how to observe myself?” Bai Xiaohui disagreed.
/“You know how to observe!” Bai Hui couldn’t help but swore, “What can you observe? You only think that you are beautiful, that many boys like you, and that you can command boys to do this for you. That’s amazing. Do you think it’s really interesting when you look like this?”
“What are you talking nonsense about? How could I be like this!” Bai Xiaohui glared at Bai Hui angrily. She was not like this at all, at least it was not as unpleasant as what she said.
“Anyway, today you will meet Xiao Liu Chang’an. He will look at you first, and then he will roll down the stairs.” Bai Hui didn’t want to argue with Bai Xiaohui anymore, so she used the coercive power of the story to make her Accept your own criticism.
“Haha, he is really stupid.” Bai Xiaohui laughed, “Is he so careless?”
“What do you know? Don’t interrupt. Let me say it again, he is not stupid at all.” There was a light flashing in Bai Hui’s eyes. “You have never seen him sing like he can sing and sing with your soul.” You have never seen his bravery that he would rather be in danger of drowning than give up rescuing others, nor have you ever seen his care and concentration when preparing gifts for his girlfriend. But he only gave me a cute one. His dolls were said to be ugly by others, and I particularly hated those people who said they were ugly. Later, he gave me more than twenty of them! In fact, he was quite gentle to me sometimes.”
“Wait! What are you doing? Do you mean that I will fall in love with him in the future, and he also has a girlfriend?” Bai Xiaohui looked at Bai Hui in disbelief, “For a person like you, you just said Come and teach me a lesson!”
Bai Hui’s cheeks turned red, “Now in the story, you care so much about me! And I’m asking you to change the future, and it has nothing to do with me!”
“What nonsense are you talking about! No, I don’t want to like little Liu Chang’an. I want to study hard and at least wait until I graduate from college before falling in love.” Bai Xiaohui had no interest in Bai Hui’s expectations.

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