ont of him suddenly shook his arm. When he looked again, he actually tore off a strand of beard!

ont of him suddenly shook his arm. When he looked again, he actually tore off a strand of beard!

Obviously, given the advanced level of the Shenxiao Sect master, these are extremely shocking words!
Could it be that there is some secret behind this that I don’t know about?
Thinking of this, Chu Weiyang wanted to ask Chun Yuzhi who was familiar with the secret method of Tingchang Mountain, but at this time, it was difficult to shake the restraining chain in his mind.
Chu Weiyang himself also understood that perhaps at this level, Chun Yuzhi was still deceived by Danxia’s mother, and might not know the true essence behind the “Heart-Eating Life-Calling Curse”.
But in the end, no one answered his doubts, which made Chu Weiyang more and more confused and uneasy. He didn’t know what was wrong with what he said, and how wrong it was.
At the same time, Chu Weiyang boldly looked past the figure of the Shenxiao Sect master in front of him and looked at Xie Chengqiong and Xie Jiang further away.
Sure enough, when he looked at it at this time, the faces of the two of them were full of surprise and uncertainty.
When looking carefully, the expressions of the two people were also different. Xie Chengqiong’s surprised expression seemed to have some twitching of the corners of her mouth that was not a smile. When her eyes fell on Xie Jiang, her expression was only filled with surprise. , even the anxiety from earlier no longer exists.
What do you understand?
Just as Chu Weiyang was becoming more and more confused, suddenly, the expression of the Shenxiao Sect master became more serious than ever before.
/“Little friend, maybe I’m here to make things difficult for you. What you said just now are you willing to swear an oath?”
Chu Weiyang was already a skilled worker in swearing oaths. Even though he was still confused in his heart, his hoarse voice did not stumble, and he spoke loudly and eloquently.
“I am sure that this person, an elder or relative, has visited the Baishe Islands before!”
“I’ve determined that the key to this is related to a part of Gongjue, which may be called “Heart-Eating”, or “Calling Life” and so on.”
“For the above words, I can swear by the water of the Aquarius River!”
“If what I say is false, then the treasure medicine obtained will not become the Hunyuan Dan!”
“If what I say is false, then you will know that there are obstacles in the way of talismans!”
“If what I say is false, then”
Seeing Chu Weiyang thinking about it for a while, he still wanted to continue his vow.
In the same place, the old Taoist of Shenxiao Sect suddenly lost his previous serious expression and smiled kindly.
/He suddenly waved his hand and stopped Chu Weiyang’s words, as if Chu Weiyang’s vow itself was not important to him, he just needed to see such an attitude.
Immediately afterwards, the old Taoist turned around, looked in the direction of Xie Chengqiong, and said something meaningless.
“Qiniang, whatever I said earlier, don’t count on it.”
Hearing this, Xie Chengqiong smiled and nodded, but didn’t say anythi

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