g storm visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared outside, and then an unimaginable hurricane surged toward the east.

g storm visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared outside, and then an unimaginable hurricane surged toward the east.

The accumulated mist was blown away, and the rich yellow and iron black quickly faded.
Dry branches fell to the ground, and dust and soil rose into the air, disappearing with the mist.
Many pedestrians’ hats came off their heads, and their bodies were so swayed that they had to hold on to trees or walls.
The sailors in the dock area seemed to have returned to the port city and were witnessing the attack of a typhoon.
The smoke in the East End and Factory District became lighter, and the mild discomfort of healthy people was relieved.
Boom boom boom
Lightning flashed and thunder roared.
They soon subsided and the rain began to wash over the earth.
“The Church of Storms responded very quickly this time. It was because we acted in advance and were not fully prepared. Haha, those middle class people and those rich people, without corresponding protection, would be no different from civilians in such a heavy fog. She is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.” Ms. Desperation sat in a taxi, listening to the sound of raindrops hitting the glass window.
Even if it is destroyed in time, according to her estimation, the “smog” just now can directly cause the death of more than 20,000 people, and the plague will spread in the aftermath.
/In this way, my potion is almost digested, but this is just a side benefit. The traces of a large number of missing people will be erased, pointing to the Aurora Society and the “True Creator”. No one can guess what the royal family really wants to do. It’s time for me to leave, Ms. Triss Despair thought in a good mood.
Her whereabouts were secretive and she had taken care of things beforehand, so she didn’t have to worry about being blocked by Backlund’s demigods in the short term.
By the time the other party found traces, she was already far away from this city
Just as Ms. Despair was about to leave the carriage, her eyes flashed and she saw a figure.
The figure sitting opposite her was a young woman wearing a hooded classical robe, with black eyes and hair, and a beautiful but dull face.
After throwing out the “Master Key”, Klein held Azik’s copper whistle again, and then held his breath, waiting for the result.
If his idea fails to come true and the barrier of the altar is still not broken, then he will use the Azik Bronze Whistle to see if he can get the help of the “messenger”.
If that didn’t work, he would go above the gray fog, take out the “Black Emperor” card and other items, try every possibility, and fight until the last second.
At this moment, it is still in the afternoon, and there is no crimson moon, let alone a clear full moon. Therefore, Klein does not have enough confidence in the curse contained in the “Master Key” and only hopes that the dissolving effect of the altar barrier will have an impact on its existence. Threat and make it react instinctively, such as reverse communication with Mr. “Gate” to convey his cry for help.
In j

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