g was merciful to herself and didn’t want to see dirty things.

g was merciful to herself and didn’t want to see dirty things.

All in all, this move has limited lethality but is extremely insulting. When Lu Bei saw someone who was as humiliated as him, he couldn’t help but cast a sympathetic look.
Mu Yangqing stood in vain, his black robe decayed and dissipated, leaving only a small coat on his upper body. She has fragrant shoulders and jade neck, delicate collarbones, flat belly and upwards. The two balls are full and inflated, making her clothes bulge.
The fabric on the lower body is also cool, and the battle-damaged culottes sway like broken flowers. The two straight long legs are smooth and delicate, appearing and disappearing, and the slender feet are elegant and charming.
There is a saying that her selection as a saint is very objective and reasonable.
Not to mention, compared to the left and right guardians with two eyes and one nose, Mu Yangqing is more able to unite the congregation and inspire everyone’s surging enthusiasm and enthusiasm.
Lu Bei nodded secretly. He was arrogant before, and the Snake Dragon Sect does have some merits.
Opposite him, Mu Yangqing noticed Lu Bei’s sympathetic gaze, lifted up his small clothes, shook off the fragrant wind and sweat, and gave him a flirtatious look like silk.
/“What are you looking at?” She Zhang asked angrily.
“Look for a seam.”
Lu Bei said with a serious face: “You said you wanted to skin her, so I just thought about where to start.”
So that’s it.
She Zhang nodded, feeling mostly unsatisfied, and looked at Mu Yangqing coldly.
Brainless women really think that beautiful women are invincible, but they don’t know that some people simply don’t like you.
Mu Yangqing took this scene into his eyes, covered his mouth and chuckled, and returned a provocative look at She Zhang. Just as he was about to open his mouth to point out Lu Bei’s restless eyes, his delicate body suddenly trembled.
She restrained her charming look and bowed to the side.
The same is true for Hei Yuyi. At the moment when the strong oppression slowly appeared, he stepped aside to show respect.
Before anyone arrives, the force arrives first.
A figure appeared in the C position, wearing the iconic black robe of the Snake Dragon Cult. He looked about twenty years old, handsome and resolute, and had the beauty of a man.
Unlike other high-heeled shoes, his black robe has a circle of gold tattoos on the cuffs, highlighting his noble status and being far above everyone else.
Snake Dragon Sect, the leader is Chao Lisu.
Morning versus dusk, black versus white, exalting strict vulgarity, bathing in benevolence and righteousness.
Together with Bai Muren, who was lying motionless and in a very stable mood, the four senior leaders of the Snake Dragon Sect were now gathered together.
“I’ve met the leader.” x2
Chao Li Su nodded in response, a pair of cold eyes swept over Bai Muren’s body, and slowly looked at She Zhang beside Lu Bei: “The Zuo Protector is dead, you can teach me a new Protector.”
She Zhang snorted coldly and did not respond.

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