s, in the end it will be possible.”

s, in the end it will be possible.”

When he mentioned this, Taoist Xiao Meng smiled very reservedly.
If it were anyone else, he would definitely not be like this and just say whatever he asked.
But the person who asked this question was Emperor Huazong Zhangdu. It was Emperor Huazong Zhangdu who had his backbone broken in public by Chu Weiyang, took away the cauldron, and truly forged a deep hatred!
When plotting Chu Weiyang’s affairs, Taoist Xiao Meng believed that others might leak the information, but Emperor Huazong Zhang Du would definitely not!
Even if Zhang didn’t ask, Taoist Xiao Meng wanted to find an opportunity to tell him more. Perhaps he could use such an opportunity to involve Zhang Du first, and then either the Huanghua Sect or the Tianwu Daocheng It’s such a huge momentum to wrap it up!
This is a conspiracy!
This is the majestic and righteous way of Tiangang’s transformation!
But just as Taoist Xiao Meng smiled more and more reservedly, Zhang Du shook his head.
/“not good.”
The smile on Taoist Xiao Meng’s face suddenly froze.
He suddenly felt that things seemed to be getting out of his control.
Zhang Du’s lively and agile gaze fell on Taoist Xiao Meng again, staring at him, just like at the beginning, the gaze itself made people shudder and make people tremble!
When he looked back like this, he saw that Zhang Du’s body no longer had that really depressed mood. On the contrary, the state of bitterness and hatred became more and more profound.
So much so that this emotion of bitterness and hatred was simmering, gradually overlapping with the majestic and domineering connotations of his past as a proud Taoist, forming something that was both devilish and unique. , an indescribable temperament.
As a result, Taoist Xiao Meng became increasingly uneasy, and the feeling that things were out of his control became stronger.
But Zhang Du didn’t seem to notice the change in Taoist Xiao Meng, and just kept talking to himself.
“Pindao is saying that such a plan is not good. Who came up with the idea? It’s so petty!
/Such a ring is nested within a ring, and it is consciously like a thousand pounds, with small and broad, constantly rolling, wrapping everyone in it, and sinking deeper and deeper.
But premeditation is just premeditation after all. There are links nested one after another. What if one of the links breaks?
You think that four ounces can move a thousand catties, but it is just that the powerful force is outside the things you observe, and the kung fu is not in front of you. Never, has never been able to move a thousand catties with four ounces!
To be able to wrap up many monks from Xuanyuan and Dao, it must be a big enough event to attract these people! Even if the initial incident cannot support such a big thing, it is still necessary for all cultivators to take action together at that time and become more powerful. Sometimes, just by discussing with each other, it has nothing to do with the size of the incident itself. .
Therefore, the poor Taoist said that such a plan is

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