these words. After all, he did not publicize the Middle-earth people’s trick to

these words. After all, he did not publicize the Middle-earth people’s trick to

these words. After all, he did not publicize the Middle-earth people’s trick to
banish the remaining soul of the True Monarch Xianda. Li Yongsheng felt a little sad in his heart. The top existence of this plane allowed him to completely eliminate a person. , and although the other party is treacherous, in the end he also has some sense of responsibility as a true king.
/He threw two Qi Qi Pills into his mouth and deduced the secret – as expected, this plane no longer had the aura of Xian Da Zhenjun.
After doing this, he looked at the Blood Demon again, with a smile in his eyes, “Submit, or die?”
The green-grey bat was already frightened by this scene. It took a long time before it stammered. , “Are you from the upper realm?”
Li Yongsheng frowned, directly pinched a magic formula, hit the opponent’s slender mouth, and then snorted coldly, “If you have the guts, can you say it again and try the upper realm?”
The blood demon’s eyes There was a flash of anger and he opened his mouth to speak.
However, its mouth moved several times in succession, but it couldn’t make any sound.
After more than ten breaths, it finally gave up trying and sighed angrily, “Then you are not afraid of my blood ancestor?”
“An existence like an ant,” Li Yongsheng snorted disdainfully, “I ask you, are you willing to surrender? Me?”
“I have nothing to do with the Middle Earth Dao Palace,” the first-generation blood demon replied angrily, “You are the same anyway, and you are the same, so you can’t be unclear about this, right?”
Chapter 788: Grievance The Blood Demon
Li Yongsheng ignored the Blood Demon’s grievances and replied forcefully, “If you bumped into me, then it has something to do with it!”
He spread his hands and said, “I can’t kill you, and I can’t let you go. I’ll just take you in.”
“I’ll go,” She Chongfeng was the first to jump up. He rubbed his eyes, “Is this okay?”
green-grey bat rolled his eyes, “You can let me go, I can use my blood I swear in the name of my ancestors that I will never harm anyone in Middle-earth. My target is Ivan and the others. If they are in chaos, wouldn’t it be bad for you too?”
After this guy was captured, he had been acting very frightened and uneasy, and he didn’t even say anything. Everyone thought that this blood demon couldn’t speak, but they never thought that this guy could see everything clearly and understood everything in his heart.
Li Yongsheng was not surprised. He replied calmly, “Of course it’s good for me, and it’s good for the Chinese people, but you have to understand that no matter how much the Ivans are our enemies, they are also human beings.” The
green-grey bat blinked. His eyes were stunned for a while, and then he said, “It seems that heretics are more hateful than heretics, right?”
“Hey,” Li Yongsheng laughed. He really couldn’t help but laugh, “You know nothing, so I’m talking to you like this. Let me tell you, until the Iwan tribe does something outrageous, I will never consider using an inhuman race to retaliate. This is my bottom line. I say, w

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