t tightened, his body moved. He took half a step back, and at the same time pressed down the handle of the war hammer in his hand.

t tightened, his body moved. He took half a step back, and at the same time pressed down the handle of the war hammer in his hand.

With a ‘clang’ sound, the hammer handle collided with Hunter Mantis’s scythe. David felt a huge force on his body, but this huge force was turned around and transferred to the war hammer again. Hit the hunter mantis.
David didn’t know that this hunter mantis had the same combat power as the real hunter mantis, but the hunter mantis in front of him already made him feel how terrifying the Zerg was. This was still the weakest first-level Zerg, but they were attacking this body in close quarters.
This body is also extremely strong, and the war hammer is used as if it were part of the body.
In this feeling of brushing against death almost every second, David continued to improve his mastery of the war hammer.
In fact, no matter what kind of teaching it is, it cannot be as real as the learning in David’s current illusion.
This body seems to be tireless, and the hunter mantis is like a perpetual motion machine. The two are constantly going back and forth in such close proximity. Slowly, David’s attention became more and more concentrated. He seemed to be the master of this body, personally wielding the war hammer to fight the hunter mantis.
A large amount of combat experience poured into his mind and imprinted on his soul.
Warhammer mastery (82% proficiency) The owner of the knowledge light ball Amos is also an elite soldier who returned from the battle star. Although his will has been wiped out by a pampered life, his combat experience still exists.
This can be seen from the instant decision he made when facing the invincible Captain Froman of the Sirius mercenary group. If there was no accident, it is estimated that he could have escaped unscathed at that time.
What David gained was his lifetime experience in mastering the warhammer. Amos’s experience in using the warhammer was improved from life-and-death battles with the Zerg. These experiences were also transformed into this battle illusion, which appeared in David’s mind. before.
/David can no longer tell whether this is reality or an illusion, because he is completely integrated with this body at this time, and he must fully control the warhammer to fight the Hunter Mantis.
Just now he was distracted, and Hunter Mantis’ scythe struck his back, cutting a long wound.
The intense pain made him concentrate even more. It was just a hunter mantis, but it made him feel pressure that he had never felt before.
Under this pressure, his battle with Hunter Mantis was almost the same as the battle he watched in the early stages. He and Hunter Mantis exchanged offense and defense.
After an unknown amount of time, Hunter Mantis’ figure slowly became transparent, and then the entire space shook violently, and the warhammer in his hand also became transparent.
David couldn’t help but want to hold on to the war hammer. In his feeling, the war hammer was a part of his body. The disappearance of the war hammer was as uncomfortable as losing a

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