dhist cultivators.

dhist cultivators.

dhist cultivators.
“That’s not what I meant,” the high-level real person called Baler shook his head slowly, “I just wanted to prevent them from doing something bad, which would inevitably disrupt our plan.” “They’re
just a bunch of chickens and dogs . ,” someone replied with a smile, “We just need to wait for the big troops to take action and step forward to help.”
/The gang of people who dared to be strong were the anti-hunting team that wanted to move to the vicinity of Red Maple Island.
However, unlike what the Military Intelligence Department learned, these people had already passed the Turek Corridor in advance, and they did not bring more than a hundred repairmen with them, just a few real people.
Originally, their mission was no different from what the Military Intelligence Division learned about.
But when it came to the execution, some people thought that this small team should go there in advance to prevent the Chinese people from escaping.
That’s right, for this Middle-earth team that reached Lake Bier, Rouran Kingdom felt that they must stay in order to wash away the shame they suffered.
Even if you don’t care about hitting Bier Lake, you dare to stay there for several days. Do you really think that all the people in Rouran Country are dead?
Of course, if the enemy shows his intention to escape before the large force arrives, then he can launch a surprise attack if he can, delay the opponent’s evacuation, and cooperate with the main force to kill the opponent as much as possible.
The task they received was to hide well and wait until the large forces launched an attack to find a suitable opportunity to stab the enemy in the rear.
In short, this team has a strong sense of autonomy and has the power to make corresponding choices based on changes in the battle situation.
Not to mention on the battlefield, plans often fail to keep up with changes. The Military Intelligence Department has worked very hard to spy on intelligence, but in the end it cannot be 100% accurate because there are too many variables.
However, this real team can only do this. The real person Bale can share the line of sight with Hai Dongqing, but Hai Dongqing is not a nocturnal bird after all. If he can get the news today, that’s it.
When it got light the next day, Haidongqing flew up again, but it still couldn’t feel any changes in the other person.
Outside Hongfeng Island and Tianmapo, there were a large number of Middle-earth Rangers running back and forth, blocking the two camps.
Every time he sees this scene, Master Bale has the urge to vomit blood – in fact, the number of Middle-earth rangers surrounded outside is only six to seven thousand. If the two camps gather all the soldiers and horses and fight them out together, the Middle-earth people will have no choice but to die. To escape.
I’m so sorry for my dear Rouran man. When did I become so cowardly as a mouse?
/Master Balak felt deep sadness in his heart.
However, he could not criticize his compatriots harshly. After all, not just anyone could

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