ldn’t see clearly. After hearing this, she nodded with sudden realization, “Then let’s set off. Li Yongsheng, can you give me your invitation to the true king?”

ldn’t see clearly. After hearing this, she nodded with sudden realization, “Then let’s set off. Li Yongsheng, can you give me your invitation to the true king?”

ldn’t see clearly. After hearing this, she nodded with sudden realization, “Then let’s set off. Li Yongsheng, can you give me your invitation to the true king?”
“No. ,” Zhang Muzi replied simply – Zhenjun, please send her a message. She has asked Zhenren Chen Zhaoxue to take him away.
“Okay,” Li Yongsheng smiled and nodded, took out another jade slip and handed it to Zhao Xinxin.
“You?” Zhang Muzi’s eyes widened, “You still have it?”
“How rare,” Li Yongsheng took out another jade slip, “Come, Xinxin, give one to your father, and keep one for yourself.” ”
“This,” Zhang Muzi said with an expression on his face, and it took him a long time to say, “The master of the second palace does not seem to be surnamed Li, right?” ”
His surname is not Zhang, either!” Li Yongsheng glared at her fiercely before speaking again, “Xinxin, you go back and stay for two days. I will finish handling this property and then leave with you.”
“Okay,” Zhao Xinxin nodded and stood up, “but leaving with me will be a bit risky. There are too many clowns nowadays, so you have to be careful about being affected.”
“Haha,” Li Yongsheng smiled and patted the storage bag on his waist, “Then come.”
After Zhao Xinxin left, there was no news for three consecutive days. , Li Yongsheng’s “ask for instructions early and report later” failed to contact her.
However, this contact could not be reached. It was not because the other party had lost information, but because the British Prince’s Palace had isolated the sound-transmitting conch.
In the past few days, the Wu family has sent declarations from the four tribes, and Wu Xiaonv’s real estate is no longer in dispute.
As for the couple who coveted her real estate, the case has been officially taken over by the judicial department. The next step is to judge the property, which will take some time. The judicial department has also issued a summons and asked the two young men from the Wu family to come for questioning.
The two boys were good at bullying Miss Wu, but when they saw the summons from the judicial department, they ran away.
/After Li Yongsheng heard about it, he wanted to make a special trip to Yunshan, but Guo Laojiao from Chaoyang Daxiu Hall came to him and said that the matter of the two boys was left to him, and he promised to vent his anger on Xiaonv Wu.
Lao Jiaoyu had also received treatment from Li Yongsheng and was saying that he had nothing to repay. As soon as he heard that there was something going on in Yunshan, he immediately said, “That’s my hometown. I’ll take care of those little brats for you.”
Not to mention that good and evil will eventually be rewarded. Although Li Yongsheng made some enemies in the capital, he made more friends.
What made him a little distressed was that because the two boys ran away, the judicial department had to wait for a while before the verdict could be pronounced, and before the verdict, the property could not be transferred.
Ordinarily, if the Wu family declares that the four clans are not connected, Wu Xiaonv’s property w

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