ated some understanding, she can refine it. A powerful medium-level magical power, coupled with the power of this sword skill, he should be able to go on a rampage among the juniors without any disadvantage, and he is basically a very good fighter.”

ated some understanding, she can refine it. A powerful medium-level magical power, coupled with the power of this sword skill, he should be able to go on a rampage among the juniors without any disadvantage, and he is basically a very good fighter.”

With this silent thought in his mind, Zhu Peng jumped up from behind a puppet and stretched his iron palms to cover Su Yu in the air.
Because she was fighting with the remaining puppets amidst the intense spiritual energy impact, Su Yu was already in a bit of a panic.
Chapter 053: Pulling off the balance, the harmony of human and sword
At this moment, Su Yu was hit hard by Zhu Peng’s volley attack again. Although Su Yu blocked the scabbard with her left hand and blocked Zhu Peng’s first attack, her body and steps were already slightly scattered.
Under normal circumstances, Zhu Peng has always been an elegant person who cherishes beauty and cherishes beauty, but once he is cruel and cruel, he is not like a human being. With his eyes glaring at Tiezhang Lunyuan, Zhu Peng completely ignored Su Yu’s beauty. At this moment, Zhu Peng was beating Su Yu as the enemy who killed his father.
Show no mercy, show no mercy, and the Iron Hand Bagua, which combines magic and martial arts in Tiesha Yuanci’s hand, comes out according to Zhu Peng’s change of heart.
/When manipulating the puppet formation, Zhu Peng’s own momentum has always been secretly hidden. After all, if he is obviously different from the surrounding puppets, then the puppet fake body will also lose considerable meaning, but it is different at this moment. .
Zhu Peng just brought the puppet soldiers to take advantage of the situation, but he launched a fierce attack. The originally dull and mysterious aura around him suddenly changed. He raised his head and violently destroyed his spine and pulled out his vertebrae. The true energy of his body and his own muscles Suddenly, the mixture melted into one piece, with large green and black tendons protruding and spreading out, and the whole body showed a black, green, swollen, and powerful atmosphere.
At this moment, Zhu Peng pulled out his bones and stretched his muscles, his blood and energy swelled up, and his body height and cross-section suddenly increased greatly. The opening and closing of a pair of iron-like palms were almost as big as Su Yu’s little face. He was majestic and domineering!
With his arms wrapped inwards, the spiritual energy and the strong wind rise together, as if a huge invisible tornado is turning between Zhu Peng’s arms. The force is overwhelming and almost sucks people in. The volley just now The first attack was a collapse attack with two Bagua palms, but now it is a dragon suction with four Bagua palms, attacking with defense, combining hardness and softness.
That fierce force of wind spiritual pressure, as Zhu Peng stepped forward, his internal vibrations swirled, and he strangled and killed with incomparable ferocity!
Bagua four palm strikes, dragon suck!
“The pressure is too great. I can’t stop it. I have to retreat.”
Facing Zhu P

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