t god world were blasted directly by the invincible cultivator, but he couldn’t afford to throw two dice and gave up.

t god world were blasted directly by the invincible cultivator, but he couldn’t afford to throw two dice and gave up.

Obviously, Hongtian was absolutely powerless to fight. He couldn’t bear the two defeats. Hongtian had already gone crazy. After the third defeat, he felt like he had been deprived of his power. You know, Hongtian at that time was… After blasting out the ancient and desolate order, the surrounding environment was the most suitable for Li Xiu to exert his strength. Hongtian, like the ancient demon god, was powerful and invincible, but he was directly deprived of his power by Shu Buwei!
What is the state of not being able to feel comfortable? Where has he reached in the realm of soul?
Nine hundred and forty-one days, chaos reigns
In the Great Thousand Realm, the situation was changing dramatically. The people in the Holy Hall fought bravely against the Thousand Peaks Sect and were invincible. However, Mingren killed two demigods in a row and reached the pinnacle. For a moment, he was unparalleled in the limelight.
The monks from the Great Thousand World talk about sexual changes!
Of course, those who became angry were only those famous monks in the Great Thousand World. In fact, most of the monks were still very happy, because although Mingren was strong, he was too arrogant. Not only did he challenge Wan Tian, ??but he also claimed to kill all demigods and demigods. There are also differences among gods. Who would dare to be so arrogant except Wang Tian?
The monks who were chasing Akito disappeared, because the real strong men would definitely come forward to deal with it. After all, Akito’s level was enough to attract them to take action.
Hua Luo Zong
At this time, the nine elders, the eighteen protectors, and the thirty-six hall masters all invited Hua Jianyu to hold a banquet.
Especially the Thirty-six Hall Masters, everyone wears white plain clothes. In Hualuo Sect, wearing white plain clothes is a tradition to recognize others in a low-key manner while maintaining face.
The Qianfeng Sect is completely in decline. It doesn’t matter that the Holy Church has not launched a decisive attack. In the past thousand years, in order to consolidate its position, the Qianfeng Sect has offended countless people. There are just countless small sects, and there are hundreds of large sects. The above, just these, are enough to cause the Qianfeng Sect to completely decline from now on, not to mention, the Magic Code Sect will never let go of this opportunity.
Having said that, which one of the twelve sects has not offended thousands of enemies? If not, it proves that you are not qualified to become one of the twelve sects.
/That battle made all the heroes in the Great Thousand Realm, whether they were rookie disciples who were new to cultivating immortals or old immortals who had been famous for hundreds of years, correctly realize for the first time how terrifying these monsters that ascended from the Small Thousand Realm below were.
And Mingren directly caused the death of the two demigods of the

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