One bird doesn’t think so.

One bird doesn’t think so.

He didn’t see 9V1, he only saw Jiuweiyi. With the artistic conception of the unity of heaven and man, his eyes looked through the vast sea of ??stars and saw Xuanwu’s ugly face full of flesh and blood.
Kong Ci held his breath and concentrated, tugged on Weng Chong who was looking at the sky next to him, and said retortfully: “Mom, don’t look at me, my father is many times stronger than him.”
Weng Chong blushed and glared at Kong Ci, annoyed that he was talking nonsense.
“Come with me, while the Xiangliu clan can hold on for a while, and it will be too late.” Kong Ci dragged Weng Chong towards the backyard of Prince Honghu’s Mansion.
Weng Chong was surprised. If he wanted to escape, he should go outside the city, but why did he run in the opposite direction?
“Mom, you don’t understand. That guy is a dog. No one he targets will end well. If you and I leave like this, he will definitely catch him. Then my child’s butt will suffer. Mom, just go. No.”
/Kong Ci solemnly said: “The child has asked, there are three beauties in the backyard, they are all his forbidden pets, no one else can even take a look at them. Those two vixens can’t fight any of them, catch them, then we can fight with the dog The capital of negotiation between East and West.”
“Where’s the other one?”
“The plaything he kidnapped from the human race is full of monster aura, and there is a hint of monster aura in every word. It has been spoiled a long time ago. It is impossible to say that she is still a helper.”
Kong Ci was certain that the human female cultivator was worthless and a mere ruined cauldron was nothing to be afraid of.
/The backyard of Prince Honghu’s Mansion is now Lu Bei’s exclusive palace. In the entire Gaiyuan City, except for himself, only Hu San, the leader, can enter and exit freely.
But under normal circumstances, Fox Three refuses to stay in the backyard and often runs out for a walk.
His seniority is too low.
Not to mention Hu Er, the old witch of the Hu family enjoys the throne of the family.
Taifu was a teacher at a young age and liked to hit her palms. Hu San had a psychological shadow on her. What’s even worse now is that he has an affair with Mu Jiling, and the Taifu has become his master, almost equal to a mother-in-law.
What, you have a relationship with Lu Bei, the Tutor is just a younger sibling, and he is still the eldest brother?
It was so funny that once he had transformed into a god, how could he dare to show his teeth to the Taifu? Only Hu Er dared to have such a relationship. He always made fun of the evil mother-in-law and scolded the Taifu with cold eyes.
It’s an unsatisfactory thing with no color in its belly. How dare you be given to the Hu family to continue the family line?
What are you looking at? If you don’t serve the tea quickly, you’ll stare at me and let your grandma poke you with a needle!
In the same way, the Taifu usually stays behind closed doors, and only Hu Er can be arrogant in the entire backyard.
When Kong Ci rushed to the backyard, what h

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