Bai Liying was silent when she saw this. She knew her father better than others. Although he was sometimes very arrogant and generous, he still had an unruly and cold animal nature in his bones. He was like a snake turned into a dragon.

Bai Liying was silent when she saw this. She knew her father better than others. Although he was sometimes very arrogant and generous, he still had an unruly and cold animal nature in his bones. He was like a snake turned into a dragon.

However, this matter was brought by the county governor himself.
The White Water Dragon Palace has no enmity with him, but it joins forces with the Jing Dragon King to try to usurp the White Water!
After Bai Nu passed down several foundation-building secrets, he asked Bai Liying to leave on her own.
There are still many things he has to do next after taking charge of Shirasui God Division again.
Suolongba, inside the courtyard
After handling the trivial matters, Zhang Jian was free. Three major families came forward to fight against the county governor’s mansion. After learning that the county governor’s mansion was in big trouble, they had no time to take care of themselves. Naturally, the three major families would not be idle and would try their best to attack the county. Guard the mansion, add some trouble to the county governor’s mansion, and at the same time try to help the Gu family out of trouble.
As for overthrowing the county governor’s office, it still takes a while.
/Zhang Jian has asked Long Nu to help find this opportunity. The Sheriff’s Mansion attacked the official ship on the white water. It seems to have been done flawlessly, but that is only for ordinary people.
For the river god in the white water, that may not be the case.
Just wait until the time comes, and it may not be that difficult to capture Governor Yu.
/Deep in the courtyard, there is a blazing sword light. Under the sun, a figure is holding a dragon chanting sword, as if he is constantly swinging the sword towards the sun, as if the scorching sun is reflected on the swordsmanship, the dragon chanting sword moves everywhere in the world. The absent spirit of heaven and earth gradually became covered with a layer of red.
This flying sword technique is not only refining the sword, but also training the body of the immortal cultivator.
The man and the sword merge into one, and the two practices complement each other.
After Zhang Jian cast the Dao Foundation, he became more and more proficient in this set of swordsmanship. The circulation of the power of heaven and earth outside his body resonated with the circulation inside his body. He seemed to have grasped some of the principles of heaven and earth in the void, and had some understanding of the movement of the sun and the moon.
The long sword dancing in the hand can attract the power of the sun and the moon, just like the attachment of ice and fire, and it also has an extremely sharp edge that can kill evil spirits and heretics.
Zhang Jian has already mastered this flying sword technique, and all that remains is to combine the sun and moon sword technique with the use of the lung gold sword talisman to turn it into a killing move.
In addition, Xiao Feng Lei Shu also arrived at this pass.
Zhang Jian knew that he would need a lot of time to p

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