e sky. The two long rivers of black and white were distinct, covering the long river of destiny, intertwining to form a Magnificent innate array.

e sky. The two long rivers of black and white were distinct, covering the long river of destiny, intertwining to form a Magnificent innate array.

This formation is called the Hunyuan Heluo Formation. If you look closely, you will see that billions of divine lights seem to cover the entire heavenly divine tree, grabbing the gods of the Immortal Palace one by one, carefully distinguishing them, and then selecting the best ones.
The long black and white river of Heluo Shu is still expanding rapidly, sweeping towards every palace in the depths of the Immortal Palace.
Next to him, Emperor Dongyang frowned.
Zhang Jian’s “directness” slightly surprised him.
He didn’t know if the Earth Emperor was used to being domineering, or if he was overconfident.
He let the other party choose to let the Earth Emperor follow his rules, rather than really letting the other party choose.
Seeing the long black and white river sweeping across the sky, his expression remained unchanged. He just waved his hand and the wine glass in his hand instantly disappeared in front of him, just like a huge wine glass upside down in the sky above the magnificent Immortal Palace.
There are also countless mysterious runes of heaven and earth manifested from the wine glass, and the light expands, with vast rivers flowing out of it. Where the long rivers of divine light fly, the aura of the Emperor of Heaven emerges, and the Emperor of Heaven’s dragon energy eliminates all evil.
This is the Shinto method condensed under the authority of the Emperor of Heaven.
Zhang Jian’s face did not change.
/He is very familiar with this method.
In the True Realm of Immortality, the other party naturally has a huge advantage by using the authority of the Emperor of Heaven to condense the root of Taoism.
But that’s for ordinary immortals.
He is no ordinary immortal god.
He is also the Emperor of Heaven.
Moreover, his status goes one step further and he is the Lord of a Realm.
There is a difference between the Heavenly Emperor of one side and the Lord of one realm.
Although one person controls a lot of power, he still beats workers after all.
The other party is the real big boss.
Magnificent sword rays appeared all over Zhang Jian’s body. The Heavenly Emperor’s sword rays reached the sky, and purple-yellow dragon patterns appeared inside.
That is the Nine Dragons Path-Bearing Sword.
The nine styles are combined into one, possessing divine power that is almost unparalleled in the world.
The nine dragons roared, and nine purple-yellow dragon-shaped swords appeared in the sky. The sword light flew quickly, and the entire sky above the Immortal Palace seemed to be filled with terrifying radiance.
Before the sword light arrived, the layers of heaven and earth patterns that appeared around the wine glass collapsed, and thunder and lightning intertwined over the entire divine court. It was like the collapse of infinite time and space, and even the Immortal Palace was under a terrible attack.
The wine glass below was completely shattered when the nine dragon-p

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