or innate spiritual treasures.

or innate spiritual treasures.

But having home field advantage can make up for that.
Zhang Jian knew that he could only survive this fourth catastrophe by killing this giant god formed by the will of destruction.
Ring-shaped divine light came through the sky, Zhang Jian’s expression remained unchanged, a flash of fierceness flashed deep in his eyes, a stream of light emerged from the depths of the Earth Emperor’s Golden Book, and a purple-yellow dragon-shaped light bloomed from his body.
That is the root of the Earth Emperor.
In addition to the source of the Earth Emperor, there are also illusory shadows of the source energy emerging from behind him, nearly a thousand in total.
One after another, the illusory source light flowed into the map of mountains and rivers, the source of his life, in perfect harmony. The stream of light spread out, and there seemed to be countless universes and universes arising and dying inside, and the scene of boundless mountains, rivers and earth condensed from it. The ring-shaped stream of light was easily shattered in an instant. , it turned into a purple-yellow divine light beam, instantly piercing through the true form of the giant god of destruction.
This kind of strange omen is somewhat similar to that of the Danque God Emperor.
The power of all the mountains and rivers in the sky is as light as nothing in Zhang Jian’s hands!
Emperor Jiuyou was also a little surprised.
Zhang Jian’s demonstrated use of root Taoism is no worse than those of real Taoists.
At this time, Zhang Jian’s body was filled with purple-yellow dragon-shaped light, which instantly submerged a large area of ??chaotic time and space, manifesting into a magnificent map of mountains, rivers, and the country.
Zhang Jian took advantage of the opportunity and directly unfolded the map of the mountains and rivers, shrouding the nearly half-collapsed Titan of Destruction into it.
Under the dim light of the giant god of destruction, he was still roaring up to the sky, trying hard to condense the true form of destruction, but he saw that the source energy in the mountain and river community map condensed into various root methods, overwhelmingly coming towards the giant god of destruction. In an instant, Then his true body was completely torn into pieces.
A series of magnificent root Tao spells were jointly cast, and under Zhang Jian’s remote control, they were gradually cleaned up and refining the scattered will of destruction.
As the will of the Great Destruction was refined and the place where the Titan of Destruction collapsed, a magnificent illusory brand appeared from it. It was a majestic and terrifying figure in black robes. His eyes were raised, and he seemed to have some charm. For a moment, It collapsed and dissipated like sand in the wind.
Zhang Jian frowned slightly, that was the imprint left by a strong man on the other side deep in the origin ocean of chaos.
/It should be the imprint left by Taoist Master of the Other Side who practices the path of destruction or the path of destruction.

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