es in the world. As the years go by, this ray of sympathy can still be left.

es in the world. As the years go by, this ray of sympathy can still be left.

Moreover, it has been recently rumored that the Earth Emperor Dao Lord has regained control of one side of the heaven. There are many immortals and gods who want a share of the pie. With such a trend, who is willing to offend the Earth Emperor Dao Lord at this juncture.
/Moreover, he alone controls a realm. This Earth Emperor has a bright future, and the immortals and gods do not dare to offend him easily.
All the immortals know the relationship between Qingxia Daojun and the Earth Emperor Daojun. They are a hard-core alliance.
At this moment, they saw a fairy light flowing outside the Yaochi, and the true form of Qingxia Daojun emerged. Seeing this, the immortals hurriedly greeted him.
Sixty thousand years passed quietly.
The Immortal Palace is ethereal and has stood above the common people forever. However, in the past few years, the pressure of the Emperor of Heaven that pervades the Immortal Palace has become increasingly intense.
On the throne of the Emperor of Heaven in the Immortal Courtyard, Zhang Jian sat alone on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. There was another seat next to him.
That is the throne of Queen Qi.
At this time, a strong and magnificent divine power of immortal light flowed all over his body.
He is in charge of the Tai Chi center and is the emperor of the first realm. The strands of divine power he exudes are like overwhelming, and even a trace of it can trigger changes in all things in the fairy court and heaven.
After nearly a Yuanhui governance, the chaos in the Immortal Court and the Heavenly Realm gradually calmed down. Thousands of years ago, a human emperor was born to govern the world and establish a unified Holy Court to govern the human race in the ten heavens and ten lands. The prosperity began to show.
The Emperor of Heaven in prosperous times is obviously more powerful than the Emperor of Heaven in troubled times.
“The time has come soon!”
Zhang Jian felt a strong accumulation at this time.
/He has analyzed most of the mysteries of the Pure Purple Earth Emperor and Taoist position, as well as the Immortal Court Celestial Emperor’s character, and he has also parsed part of the Celestial Emperor’s mysteries. This accumulation is enough for him to attack the third catastrophe.
Once he survives the third great catastrophe of destruction, he can also be ranked among the great supernatural powers in the sky and void.
Zhang Jian looked calm. He had known about the return of Taiyin Immortal Lord tens of thousands of years ago and had once again confirmed his identity as Dao Lord.
It’s just that with his current behavior, he is no longer afraid of Taiyin Immortal Lord.
On the contrary, the immortal god behind Taiyin Immortal Lord is worthy of consideration.
With a decision in his heart, Zhang Jian looked around the Immortal Palace, and immediately he was about to attack the third catastrophe directly here.
The luck here is strong, and he has the authority of the Tai Chi Center, so it is extr

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