of them was justified and not purely based on force.

of them was justified and not purely based on force.

Of course, it was inevitable for the people below to whisper, “The purple spiritual flame can actually dissipate the monk’s true energy. It’s so sinister. I really don’t know where such a devil could pop up again.”
“Eliminate the cultivator’s true energy veins? It is said that the evil cultivators in the distant star field Xingxiu Sea have the “Netherworld Hell Transformation Technique”. They practice poisonous skills to condense the poisonous breath of darkness. After one palm, the energy-burning pulses eat up all the true energy. Yuan is extremely vicious and terrifying, could this be it?”
Zhu Peng abolished the four Fuwei bodyguards, but did not say a word to Lin Pingzhi. He was not without scruples. Zhu Peng was quite familiar with the theory of the butterfly effect. He did not want to talk to Yue Lingshan and Lin Pingzhi unless necessary. “Main plot characters” such as Lin Pingzhi have too many intersections and entanglements. When it is really necessary, killing or destroying a few nameless side characters is enough to fool the other party, but it will never touch the development of the plot more deeply.
But what Zhu Peng didn’t know was that Lin Pingzhi softened under Zhu Peng’s strength and ruthless means of useless cultivation. He turned around and ran away in despair. This was neither a shame nor a shame. Bloodiness, in the world of monks, bloodiness is something that people of the same level compete with each other. If you compete with cultivators of a higher level, you will either be a genius sword cultivator, or you will have to eat too much and seek death.
But Yue Lingshan watched helplessly as Lin Pingzhi came in all the glory and then left in despair. This was definitely not a good first impression, even though Yue Lingshan could understand Lin Pingzhi’s approach intellectually. , but in terms of emotion, understanding does not mean recognition, and recognition does not mean acceptance. The two men in the world that Yue Lingshan admires most at present are Yue Buqun, who is willing to take risks to save face, and the other, who is upright and heroic, no matter how strong he is. The opponent also dared to look directly at the sword-wielding genius swordsman Linghu Chong. And no matter which of these two men faced this situation, they would not hide their faces and run away like Lin Pingzhi.
The police are always the last ones to arrive, and the security monks in the dark workshop are obviously more efficient than the police in the world, but in fact, they are still the last ones to arrive. Without it, they would not dare to come out to clean up the battlefield until the matter is truly resolved. After the matter is resolved, as long as the cultivators of the Sky Realm do not have any fundamental conflicts with the dark workshop, the issues between the two parties can be kept private. No matter how powerful the force is, they will not just sit around and have grudges with high-level monks.
/“My sister has just been in a mess because of her siste

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