The third and most important point is that his foundation is the four types of ‘Emperor’s Fate’, and he follows the path of the ancient holy kings. He is an expert in this field, so how could he be affected by the luck of the Great Qian.

The third and most important point is that his foundation is the four types of ‘Emperor’s Fate’, and he follows the path of the ancient holy kings. He is an expert in this field, so how could he be affected by the luck of the Great Qian.

“Actually, it’s not just me!”
“As long as it works properly, a mage can escape death!”
Zhang Jian looked at Taoist Jingming.
This was also the purpose of his trip to the rooftop viewing platform.
Now it’s time for a showdown with Dongshen Guan!
Perhaps it is also an opportunity to annex or completely capture the Dongshen Temple.
Chapter 336: Conquer
Although the Cave God Temple is about to collapse, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse.
Many practitioners, even scholars, and civil and military ministers in Daqian have received the favor of Dongshen Temple. If some people can take over, this will be a great force.
“Scholar Zhang, please speak up?”
Taoist Jingming looked over.
Zhang Jian said calmly: “Da Qian Guo Zuo has laid hidden dangers since Emperor Gaozu established the dynasty. It is unwise to entrust the Holy King’s dynasty to a treasure. The death of Qianshu is a lesson learned from the past, and Da Qian was also consumed by it. Exhaust the essence of dragon veins!
Now the dragon vein is backlashing, it is inevitable! ”
“This is a fundamental problem!”
“What does Bachelor Zhang mean?”
Taoist Jingming’s face changed slightly, and he vaguely understood what Zhang Jian was thinking.
Just looking at Zhang Jian was still a little unbelievable.
Zhang Jian looked calm when he saw this.
“It is difficult to continue the Daqian Dragon Vein, and a new dynasty must be born. If the Dongshen Temple lineage can be recognized by the new dynasty, the old tree will sprout new shoots, suppress the evil spirits again, and flourish!”
Taoist Jingming frowned tightly and said in a deep voice: “Which force is Xueshei Zhang representing as a lobbyist?”
/His eyes looked up and down at Zhang Jian, as if he was getting to know Zhang Jian again.
“Pindao is really curious, which force can be recognized by Academician Zhang!”
Zhang Jian shook his head and said with a smile.
“The Imperial Master should know that I am a descendant of Tongshan Taoism. Do you know how many core inheritances our Tongshan Taoism has?”
When Taoist Jingming heard this, his heart moved and he immediately said:
“I asked my master about this matter. The master said that the inheritance of Tongshan Taoism is complicated. Although there is no teaching without distinction, it involves a wide range of things. The main one is “Tongshan Pure Treasure Record”, and among them is “Nine Heavens”. The core of “Shenque Golden Chapter” and “Nine Qi Yunyuan Sutra” should be the inheritance of the Holy King’s Way. However, the number of practitioners who follow the Holy King’s Way is very small. Most of them are assisted by the secret method of luck in the Holy King’s Taoism. To develop the sect, most monks essentially follow the path of orthodox immortal cultivators!”
Zhang Jian smiled slightly and said: “So, whi

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