situation to Director Fang. It was very likely that a local man killed another local man who went out to play cotton with him. This was a murder!

situation to Director Fang. It was very likely that a local man killed another local man who went out to play cotton with him. This was a murder!

situation to Director Fang. It was very likely that a local man killed another local man who went out to play cotton with him. This was a murder!
/Director Fang was shocked and hurriedly called the station and asked Xiao Cui, the household registration police officer, to immediately coordinate the list of people named Zou in Xicun. He accompanied everyone to the Tianzhuang Village Committee office to first find out the situation from the village party secretary.
“My surname is Zou. I should be less than 30 years old this year. I learned how to play cotton from Xia Qingmin in Hexi Village eight years ago. I went out to play cotton with Xia Qingmin. I haven’t been back home for several years since then. Party Secretary Gu, do you have any impression of this person?”
Catching a murderer is no joke, Director Fang looked serious.
The old party secretary had a dark complexion, a thin face, and deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, but his eyes were bright and bright. He took the cigarette from Wang Jiefang and said without thinking: “Director Fang, there are many people named Tian in our farm and few named Zou. , there are only a few households in the second and third teams. The person you are looking for should be Zou Wei. He went out for several years and did not come back. His family was very anxious. Later he came back and even served wine to invite our village cadres to dinner. How could he Are you there?”
“It’s nothing, just trying to find out what’s going on.”
Director Fang had also been a criminal police officer and knew what to say and what not to say. He helped him light a cigarette and asked, “He came back and went out again?”
“Yes. , I didn’t come back for the Spring Festival this year. I seem to have come back for the Spring Festival last year. I heard that I got married in another place. It doesn’t matter if I don’t come back. What’s the point of living in the mountains? Do you think so?”
“Others have left and their household registration has not been moved. In your village, It doesn’t matter. My police station is in trouble. Everything is online now. We need to strengthen population management. He is a person in my jurisdiction, but he is not under my control. Where has he gone? What is he doing? It’s hard to keep those accounts.” ”
I How big of a deal do you think it is, just go and ask, I will accompany you.” It is not
“Okay, please take us to ask.”
appropriate to go with too many people at once, Wang Jiefang winked, Wang Yan, Xiao Ren, the county bureau police officer Xiao Duan and the police station security police officer Wang The eldest sister stayed in the village committee with a tacit understanding.
Wang Jiefang didn’t talk much. The old party secretary thought he was a leader who came to inspect the work of Jiangju Police Station. He said good things about Director Fang all the way and walked for five or six minutes to the suspect Zou Wei’s hometown.
There are two old people living in three low tile-roofed houses.
It’s better to come early than to come by chance.

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