this time? It’s like a big boss.” “

this time? It’s like a big boss.” “

this time? It’s like a big boss.” ”
Be prepared, what if someone calls? Don’t tell me. Come on, tell me, why did you get up so early? There are activities today?” ”
I’ll go to Dongba later. Get up early and go to the guest house to have dinner with Secretary Luo and County Magistrate Yang.” “They
haven’t gone back yet?”
/“They just came. Three days. I will leave tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Wang and Mr. Wang may have to leave in a few days.”
I threw myself on the case, racing against time, treating one day as two or even three days. The pressure was so great that it felt like a year. People enjoy super high courtesy, travel all day long, and feel nothing at all for a few days.
Han Bo reacted and asked curiously: “Mr. Wang’s projects are normal. Yushan’s lack of money now does not mean that it will never have money. When economic construction starts, when the county has spare money, it will naturally consider urban construction. Secretary Guan and Wang The county magistrate said that this is just a matter of face, and it will be done sooner or later. What’s the point of Mr. Wang continuing to inspect? Does he plan to open a branch in Yushan?” “What’s
wrong with opening a branch? Yushan needs development funds, and the city commercial bank has business when it opens here. ”
It’s not that easy to open a branch.”
“The province, regions and counties all support it. Although it’s not easy, it’s not as difficult as applying for a license.”
Nangang City Commercial Bank has a very famous name, but in fact it has no business at all in Nangang city. It has neither branches nor a few business halls in other districts and counties. To put it bluntly, it is Sigang City Commercial Bank.
Enterprises want to develop, and banks also want to develop.
The financial strength is not as strong as that of many major banks, and its reputation is not as big as that of others. It is already very good to be able to hold the base in Si Gang. If you want to develop, you can only go out. Thinking of these, Han Bo couldn’t help but smile: “Honey, it turns out that you are just like Lao Lu, and you never stop working. , you are a drunkard and don’t care about drinking!”
“What does it mean to retire without rest? Don’t forget that I am still a shareholder of the city commercial bank.”
Xinfeng Garden, a community developed the year before last in Xinhai City, Dongguang Province.
There are factories all around, some driven by Hong Kong people and some driven by Taiwanese. The streets are full of luxury cars with license plates from both places. Cars that can travel freely in Dongguang and Hong Kong can be seen everywhere.
The decked-out Mercedes-Benz was hidden in a friend’s factory. Yu Shaodong was now driving an inconspicuous Hyundai. He locked the car, took a large bag of cash he had just retrieved, and climbed to the fourth floor in one breath.
“Alu, open the door, it’s me.”
“Here it comes.”
A woman in pajamas opened the security door. It was Shen Yulu, the financial director of Golden Eagle Company!
The aroma of ve

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