City again. God knows if those bastards will change their minds and have to bring a few more people.

City again. God knows if those bastards will change their minds and have to bring a few more people.

City again. God knows if those bastards will change their minds and have to bring a few more people.
“Mr. Li, do you want to book a private room?”
“Mr. Wang, if you give me a discount, I’ll give it to you. If you don’t give me a discount, I’ll give it to you
.” The little bastard was so successful that he heard from his boss that he was hanging out with a big boss with some background. He specializes in collecting debts from banks and mobile companies. Several security guards were poached by him, and now he has more than a dozen people under his command.
Fatty Wang didn’t dare to treat him the same as before, so he took a soft Chinese stick from his hand and said with a smile: “Mr. Li, the boss said that if you bring your friends to the box for free, drinks and other items will be 20% off.” ”
Wu You are always generous, thank you Mr. Wu for me.”
As he was greeting a few security guards who could not go to the company for the time being, his cell phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. It was too noisy here. Li Gu pointed to the second floor and headed straight for it with a group of men. box.
“Who, what’s the matter?” The unknown number should be the call from the drug dealers. Li Gu motioned to the others to wait outside the door, and one person walked in first.
“Mr. Li, I am Luo Hao.”
“Luo Hao, I am Li Hao. You are so pretentious and don’t even think about whether your voice sounds similar.”
“Brother Li, I am really Luo Hao. I want to talk to you about Sunshine Community. ”
I told you not to be so pretentious. If you want to talk, let your boss talk to me.” Li Gu hung up the phone without hesitation, knocked on the door and invited the brothers to come in to drink and sing.
The name Luo Hao has been circulating in Nangang’s “drug circle” for ten years and has almost become a legend. For such a young deliveryman to call himself Luo Hao, it is normal for him to have a surname of Li. Rong Zhengfeng realized that his opponent was more difficult than he thought. He temporarily forgot about his boss’s warning not to have direct contact, and took the phone and dialed Li Gu’s number again.
/“Are you bothered, kid? I’m busy right now.” He
was quite busy. The receiver of his mobile phone was extremely noisy. You knew he was at the KTV at the moment without asking.
Rong Zhengfeng secretly cursed a bastard and said coldly: “Mr. Li, I, Luo Hao, do you want to give me an explanation for what happened at Sunshine Community?”
“Are you really Uncle Hao?”
“It’s true.”
“Uncle Hao! Disrespectful, you are a senior. My brother has always wanted to pay homage to your dock, but he has never been able to find the opportunity. Hahaha, I’m sorry, I can only make a little joke with your subordinates. Uncle Hao, I’m at Rolling Stone, You can come here, or I can go find you, sit around, sing together, take a bath, and keep in touch.”
Things in my hometown can’t help me, I can’t work hard, and there’s no point in rushing.
Han Bo simply didn’t think about it and focused on what he was doing.
However, when th

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