t: “One look, two thoughts, three mentions, and four checks.”

t: “One look, two thoughts, three mentions, and four checks.”

“Yes, it means first look, second thought, third mention, and fourth inspection. Once again, biological examination materials include other traces or evidence at the scene, which are not only clues to solve the case, but also important evidence. The on-site investigation must be carried out in strict accordance with the regulations, and there must be Two witnesses, ask them to sign after you’re done.”
“Call me when you’re done with the survey, and tell me to the Wei detachment. I’ll rush back as soon as possible.”
The cold wind blew on the face, and it hurt like a knife, but Can’t resist people’s curiosity.
The roadsides and field ridges were crowded with people, and there were more and more people. Almost everyone who passed by stopped. This section of urban and rural highway has no villages or shops in front of it, but there is a serious congestion. The traffic police who have just arrived are trying their best to divert the traffic.
“Da da”!
The Santana police car kept honking its siren, and a policeman ran up from the field to help divert the crowd. The crowd of onlookers moved out of the way. The survey vehicle followed Santana into the crowd, and finally saw several Donggang County Police cars.
“Wei Detachment, the scene is in the south and has been protected.”
“Report to Wei Detachment, Comrade Yuan Zhen, deputy captain of our brigade, is organizing an investigation. Please give instructions!” It
will be New Year’s Day in a few days, and two murders occurred at the end of the year. The police chief and the criminal police captain looked solemn. Wei Guoqiang raised his hand in return, looked at Lu Chenjun and others who had just gotten out of the car and ran over, and while following them into the fields, he asked: “Bureau Zhang, have the identities of the two deceased been identified?”
“Comrade Jin Yang, please report ”
The criminal police captain trotted up to catch up, pointed to the southeast and said: “Some people recognized the victim as a mother and son from Huaduo Group 13, whose names are unknown. I have sent the police to find the relatives.” Identify the body. The woman is twenty-six or seven years old, and the child is five or six years old. They were all strangled to death. Money and belongings are missing. There are signs of a struggle at the scene. The adults are here. The body of the child is in the small ditch in front. There is a bicycle in the ditch. It should be It belongs to the victim. He is disheveled and has his trousers taken off. It is basically certain that he has been raped.”
Donggang County is applying to be upgraded to a county-level city. Economic construction is doing well. This land has obviously been expropriated. There is no fence but it is on the side of the road. There is a big sign.
There was no construction and no one was taking care of it, and a large area was abandoned from east to west. The ground was full of withered grass, heads drooping listlessly, trembling in the

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