to have Tan Yu’s friendship in this life.

to have Tan Yu’s friendship in this life.

to have Tan Yu’s friendship in this life.
/In that time and space, Tan Yu talked about his sister the most, and the photo he took just before the accident never left him. Wen Liang had heard about Tanxue many times and had seen the photo countless times. The feeling of Tanxue in his mind was like a familiar friend.
/Tan Xue worked at the famous “Phoenix Jewelry Store” in Qingzhou. One day during the summer vacation after Wen Liang graduated from junior high school, she went to the main store to deliver work and returned to the branch. She was stabbed more than a dozen times by a robber armed with a knife. He died seven days after being treated in the hospital. Tan Yu’s father died young, and his mother raised him and his sister alone. Tan Xue had excellent grades, but after graduating from junior high school, she dropped out of school to work to support the family and support her younger brother in school. It can be said that Tan Yu has more than just a sibling relationship for his sister, but also respect and admiration. After his sister’s death, Xiao Tanyu was almost drowned in endless pain. If he hadn’t met Wen Liang, a friend in his second year of high school, his spirit might have collapsed.
Therefore, everyone will be needed, and everyone needs others. Don’t belittle yourself. Get through it. Suffering is the shortcut to carry you to heaven.
Wen Liang looked at the girl in front of him who had always lived in the memories of his relatives. She was not beautiful, just delicate, and she was not ostentatious. After being questioned by Wen Liang for so long, she only blushed and said nothing. She is more like those ordinary girls in ordinary life, quiet, gentle, struggling silently, and living hard.
Perhaps because he suddenly saw the original owner of the story and photos sitting in front of him alive, Wen Liang was a little dazed for a moment. Tan Xue saw that his question did not get a response, so he stopped asking and followed the crowd to get off at the stop. .
Xu Yao instinctively noticed that there was something strange in this, but she couldn’t stand Wen Liang’s devastated look when he saw the beauty. She stamped him viciously and said sarcastically: “Everyone is gone, so what sweet dreams are there?” ”
What? ?” Wen Liang’s foot hurt, and then he realized that Tan Xue had gotten off the car. He had just fallen into deep self-blame. Since his rebirth, he had only focused on exercising and had forgotten this important matter. In fact, the main reason is that he did not know Tan Xue personally in his previous life. Although he saw Tan Yu’s pain, he could not empathize with it. Besides, so many years had passed and many details had been forgotten. If I hadn’t suddenly seen Tan Xue today and been startled by the fact that her appearance and uniform were exactly the same as that photo, I wouldn’t have thought of such a girl losing her young life during this summer vacation.
Wen Liang stood up suddenly, pushed Xu Yao away, and quickly jumped out of the car without even looking at her, chasing Tan

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