st have heard my name.”

st have heard my name.”

st have heard my name.”
“Take it with you!”
Min Chengye didn’t expect to meet a stupid young man who had never even heard of his own name. But in this situation, he couldn’t make his words too clear. If his identity was really revealed, , that’s why you can’t get round even if you want to. Thinking about it, he also regretted it. Why did he get dizzy and follow his friends to this ghost place in Qingzhou to try his luck? He blamed him for saying that Bishuiwan introduced new gambling equipment from Thailand and Macau. Not only did it have more ways to play than Guanshan, but there were also tricks. It was also new and moved me. Who would have thought that he would be so unlucky that he would encounter a large-scale sweep by the Public Security Bureau.
“What are you shouting about? What’s going on?”
/During the confusion, Liu Tianlai opened the door and walked in. Geng Chao stood up immediately and said: “Report to Bureau Liu that Operation Thunder was carried out tonight in accordance with the city’s unified deployment. It was a complete success. , I am interrogating the suspect.”
“Well, I understand, you continue, I have just come back from Secretary Xu, and he also asked about the results of tonight’s operation. You should make statistics first, especially to catch a few models. Let me report to the city!”
After Liu Tianlai finished speaking, Min Chengye shouted from behind: “Director Liu, Director Liu, it’s me, I’m Min Chengye.”
“Min Chengye?” Liu Tianlai stopped and turned around in confusion, “That name sounds familiar, are you from Guanshan?”
“Yes,” Min Chengye said, feeling as happy as meeting a relative, “Guanshan, Sangqiu.”
He could only mention this, but fortunately Liu Tianlai He was not as ignorant as Geng Chao, with a look of surprise on his face. He walked over quickly, lowered his voice and said, “Isn’t this Secretary Min? Why are you here?”
“I came here to play with my friends, and we happened to meet him! ”
Liu Tianlai pondered for a moment, waved to Geng Chao, waited for him to come up to him, and asked, “Does he have a lot of gambling money?” ”
When we arrived at the scene, he and five other people were gambling stud in the VIP room. The confiscated gambling money More than one million, almost half of the gambling funds seized in this operation.”
“Where is the evidence?” “Photos have been taken at the scene, there are witnesses, and several people in the same room have recorded confessions, and the chain of
evidence is complete.”
Liu Tianlai looked serious and hesitated. Said: “Boss Min Min, this matter is not easy to handle!”
Min Chengye was as anxious as if his father-in-law had just died, and said: “Bureau Liu, I must ask you to do this favor, and I will definitely pay you back in the future.”
Liu Tianlai pondered again . After a while, he said to Geng Chao: “Let’s continue to follow up on the case and send this boss Min to my office first.”
/Liu Tianlai naturally has many ways to deal with a fool like Min Chengye, three parts coaxing, three parts i

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